
diplomacy n.1.外交;外交手腕。2.交際手段;權謀。3.外交使團...


We required maneuvering room for our diplomacy and to give hope to our people after a formented decade at home and abroad . 我們需要使我們的外交有更多的周旋余地,并且在國內外經過痛苦的十年之后,使人民看到一些希望。

The soviets had already mellowed and it was left to diplomacy only to sweep up the cobwebs left over from an already transcended cold war . 蘇聯人現在已經成熟了,會愿意完全通過外交來清理冷戰時期遺留下來的陳年舊帳。

A nation that cannot be trusted to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive exchanges loses the ability to conduct diplomacy . 一個國家不能嚴守就有關敏感問題進行交往的機密而失去別國的信任,等于失去進行外交的能力。

He seemed incapable of understanding that intelligence, to be effective, has to be built into diplomacy from the start . 他似乎不能理解,情報工作如要成為一項有效的工作,從一開始就必須與外交融為一體。

The soviets had already mellowed and it was left to diplomacy only to sweep up the cobwebs left over from the cold war . 蘇聯人現在已經成熟了,會完全通過外交來清理冷戰時期遺留下來的陳年舊帳。

Now suddenly many factors in international relations seemed amenable to creative diplomacy at the same time . 現在國際關系中的許多因素一下子似乎都同時有助于展開創造性的外交了。

Events of the past week had also demonstrated how precarious was the base from which our diplomacy was operating . 上周的事態發展表明我們開展外交活動所依據的基礎是何等不牢固。

Wilson had championed a diplomacy that sought the good of mankind above the selfish interests of the united states . 威爾遜已在提倡一種超越美國自我利益,謀求人類善意的外交。

If we refused aid, israel would have no incentive to heed our views in the postwar diplomacy . 如果我們拒絕給予援助,就不能推動以色列戰后在外交方面注意聽取我們的意見。

The middle east was explosive, but in the aftermath of 1967 war no diplomacy was in train . 中東的局勢一觸即發,但是經過1967年的戰爭之后,還沒有準備進行什么外交活動。

In truth, his position was closer to that of chief of protocol than head of iranian diplomacy . 實際上,他的地位更像禮賓司長而不像伊朗的外交首腦。

I knew that no diplomacy would work if an arab attack was premeditated . 我很清楚,阿拉伯的進攻若是事先策劃好的,那么任何外交努力都無濟于事。

Nuclear weapons would be renounced only after a renunciation of the threat of war in diplomacy . 只有在外交上不使用戰爭威脅才能不使用核武器。

U.s. diplomacy and power in the region have tended to make it somewhat redundant . 美國在這一地區的外交使團和權力機構傾向于使之顯得有些多余。

It has provided the forum for debate and negotiation and a channel for quiet diplomacy . 它提供了辯論和談判的場所以及進行私下外交的渠道。

It is difficult to make hard-cut military negotiations fit in with flexible diplomacy . 要使嚴峻的軍事談判適應靈活的外交,這是很困難的。

Therefore, much of wednesday was spent on setting the stage for postwar diplomacy . 因此,星期三大部分時間都用在為戰后的外交舞臺做準備。

We expected to accelerate trade, the exchange of persons, and eventually diplomacy . 我們期望加速貿易,交流人員,以至最終建立外交關系。

It was a good illustration of the stamina required to deal with soviet diplomacy . 這充分說明了在外交上同蘇聯打交道是很需要些耐力的。