
diorama n.1.(從小孔窺視的)透明幕上的畫面,西洋景,洋片。2...


Exhibits in this area include prehistoric artefacts of stone , pottery and bronze . there is a 42 - metre long beach diorama on which we demonstrate several activities are demonstrated , like making fire for cooking , building houses and fashioning ornaments with stone . these life - like scenes enable visitors to experience aspects of early inhabitants lives and graphically demonstrate the ways in which some artefacts on display were used 本展區除展出香港地區出土的史前時期石器、陶器和青銅器等文物,還特別搭建了一個長達42米的沙灘場景,展現出生火煮食、搭蓋房屋及打制石器、飾物等活動,除可讓觀眾透過栩栩如生的場景去體驗數千年前先民的生活,又可形象地說明部分陳列文物的實際用途。

The permanent exhibition “ the hong kong story “ , which is the museum s main attraction , outlines the history of hong kong over the past 6 000 years by means of ecological contexts , panoramic screens , dioramas and interactive programmes . the permanent exhibition comprises the landform and climate gallery , the natural environment gallery , the prehistoric hong kong gallery , the dynasties gallery , the folk culture in hong kong gallery and the opium war and early maritime trade in hong kong gallery 這個展覽透過生態造景、全景螢幕、實景擺設、互動節目等多元手法,介紹香港六千年的歷史;其中包括地貌與氣候展覽廳、生態環境展廳、史前展廳、歷史朝代展廳、民俗展廳、鴉片戰爭和早期香港海上貿易展廳。

“ the hong kong story “ permanent exhibition is the soul of the museum . it is divided into 8 galleries and outlines the history of hong kong from 400 million years ago to the return of sovereignty of the territory to china in 1997 , through the display of over 3700 exhibits , graphic panels , dioramas and multimedia programmes 重點項目是長期展覽廳內的香港故事常設展,當中分為八個展區,透過三千多件展品、文字說明、情景模型和多媒體劇場介紹香港由4億年前至1997年回歸中國的歷史。

The hong kong story permanent exhibition that occupies an area of 7 , 000 square metres about 75 , 300 sq ft outlines the natural environment , folk culture and historical development of hong kong in a life - like manner through the display of over 4 , 000 exhibits , dioramas and multimedia programmes 內設香港故事常設展,占地7 , 0 0 0平方米約7 5 , 3 0 0平方尺,通過逾4 , 0 0 0件展品立體造景及多媒體劇場,以生動的手法介紹香港的民間風俗及歷史發展。

Create a diorama or draw a picture using any art tools or the computer to illustrate your idea of what new york ' s ground zero , surrounding areas and its skyline should look like in the future 創建一個立體模型或用實用美術工具,電腦繪制一幅圖說明你對被夷為平地的原世貿中心以及周圍的區域在將來代替它的標志性建筑應該是什么樣子的想法。

Through the display of over 4 , 000 exhibits with the use of 750 graphic panels , a number of dioramas and multi - media programmes , and enhanced with special audio - visual and lighting effects , the hong kong story 塊文字說明、多個立體造景及多媒體劇場,配以聲和光的特殊效果,栩栩如生地介紹香港的自然生態、民間風俗及歷史發展。

Create a diorama or draw a picture using any art tools or the computer to illustrate your idea of what new york ' s ground zero , surrounding areas and its skyline should look like in the future 創建一個立體模型或用美術工具、電腦繪制一幅圖畫來說明你對替代被夷為平地的原世貿中心以及周圍的區域的標志性建筑外形的想法。

For the mechanical system , first fix its configuration type , and then establish its diorama with pro / e , and , at last , analyze the strain and distortion of the key parts with ansys 對于機械支撐系統,首先確定結構型式,并用pro / e進行三維造型設計,最后用ansys對關鍵性易損零件進行應力及變形分析。

The safety control of turn type should turn direction by financial institutions to financial function control work out direction , intensity and time three - dimensions diorama supervisions system 金融轉型中安全的控制應由金融機構轉向金融功能的控制,并設計了方向、力度、時間三維立體控制方式。

The museum introduces visitors to nature and science in a way to your interest . the exhibitions include life - size models of dinosaurs and dioramas of ecosystems of woodland and ocean 需要仰望的巨大的恐龍化石和模型制成的雜樹林間的鳥類、大海里的生物等,現在可以親眼看到。

The highlight of this area is a theatre which presents an animated , 3 - dimensional diorama showing astronauts servicing space hardware in space 精彩之處還在后頭,里面的小型放映室,利用一套加上模型配合的立體情境影片,以介紹太空人如何在太空進行維修任務。

Taking us on a visit to the diorama arts centre in london , this programme explores how art therapy can help people face up to their psychological problems 本片帶您參觀倫敦的戴奧羅馬藝術中心,并告訴您怎樣透過藝術治愈心理問題。

In this opening programme , wendy looks at a range of art therapies by visiting the diorama arts centre in london 本節目到訪倫敦的戴奧羅馬藝術中心,聽取兩位男士介紹如何利用繪畫幫助治療他們的問題。

Manufacturing polished porcelain tiles archaize tiles - foshan haohong ceramic co . , ltd . pure colou . . diorama do . 浩宏陶瓷有限公司- “順利”牌瓷質耐磨拋光磚,高級瓷質耐磨磚

Dioramas . ln that diorama 對,標本展示館

Remember when i made that diorama 還記得嗎

He ' s making a humorous diorama of 他在用貝殼做一個亞歷山大貝爾

He ' s making a humorous diorama of . . 他在用貝殼做一個亞歷山大貝爾

My diorama of i know why the caged bird sings . . 關于“為什么籠里的鳥會唱歌”的立體模型…