diocesan adj.主教管區的。n.主教。
adj. 主教管區的。 n. 主教。 “diocesan cathedrals“ 中文翻譯: 主座教堂“diocesan college“ 中文翻譯: 主教學院“diocesan schools council“ 中文翻譯: 天主教教區學校聯會“diocesan youth committee“ 中文翻譯: 圣公會青年事工委員會“nagpur diocesan magazine“ 中文翻譯: 那格浦爾教區“sunyani diocesan development office“ 中文翻譯: 蘇尼亞尼主教區發展事務辦事處“sheng kung hui diocesan welfare council“ 中文翻譯: 圣公會教區福利協會“diocaine“ 中文翻譯: 雙氧卡因“dioc 1“ 中文翻譯: 崗位調動審批單“diobu“ 中文翻譯: 迪奧布“diobiris“ 中文翻譯: 絲毛呢“diocese“ 中文翻譯: n. 主教管區。 “diobahika“ 中文翻譯: 迪奧巴希卡
diocese |
It is necessary to increase the portion of activities of faith formation in the parishes . such activities should be supported by relevant diocesan institutes and communities 加強堂區信仰培育活動的比例,并由有關的教區機構及團體支援堂區的培育工作。 |
B . enforce more vigorously the diocesan regulations “ notice of a marriage must be given at least six months in advance “ and “ premarriage formation is required “ B .加強執行至少在結婚前六個月作登記及婚前必須接受培育的教區守則。 |
Diocesan priests should , within the first 25 years after their ordination , make use of their quinquennial vacation leave to attend short training courses 教區司鐸,尤其是晉鐸二十五年內的,應利用每五年一次的大假,參與短暫課程。 |
Currently , he is the head of the diocesan av centre , the president of signis hong kong and is an ex - com member of youth outreach 現職教區視聽中心總監、香港公教廣播影視協會主席、協青社執委等,并在圣神修院神哲學院擔任客席教授。 |
Speech english only by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , at the diocesan girls school speech day on january 25 , 2000 保安局局長葉劉淑儀在立法會會議上動議二讀年危險品修訂條例草案的致辭全文十一月一日 |
Diocesan institutes or groups can provide materials aimed at introducing in a simple way the relationship between the doctrines and daily living 有關機構提供內容,簡單介紹某端教理和生活的關系,給堂區印發給教友。 |
The donations should be sent to the office of the diocesan commission for hospital pastoral care address : 6 f . , 上述善款應以教區醫院牧民委員會抬頭的劃線支票背書支援醫務人員,寄交該委員會之辦事處九深水 |
This year our first diocesan priest , father paul kam po - wai , was sent to the mission in tanzania as our representative 今年我們第一位教區傳教神父甘寶維也出發了,以我們的名義參與在坦桑尼亞的傳教工作。 |
The government must know that the catholic diocesan schools used to have a very accurate and careful process for selecting the principals 政府應該知道天主教教區辦學團體甄選校長的程序是謹慎及周詳的。 |
His diocesan synod and visitations were the main - springs of the world to the one ; cambridge to the other 對費利克斯來說,主教會議和主教視察就是世界的主要動力對卡斯伯特來說,世界的主要動力則是劍橋。 |
Roman catholic church ) the supreme ecclesiastical tribunal for cases appealed to the vatican holy see from diocesan courts 對在梵蒂岡教廷主管地區控訴到教皇處的案件負責的最高法院(羅馬教堂) 。 |
Diocesan and religious schools may provide special care other than the free education to the children of poor families 教區及修會學校為貧窮家庭子女提供免費教育以外的特別照顧。 |
Note : the 177 conerete proposals were passed by the plenary assembly of the diocesan synod on 25 october 2001 注:教區會議成員在2001年10月25日全體大會中通過以上117項具體建議。 |
The diocesan mass media organizations and bureaus should give first priority to evangelization ad gentes 教區內從事大眾傳播工作的機構及組織,應以向教外人福傳作為第一優次。 |
To celebrate the year of evangelisation was one of the ten priorities discussed during the diocesan synod in 2002 教區會議的最優先十項建議之一是舉行一個福傳年。 |
Schools can work with other diocesan groups in training catholic student leaders 學校可與教區其他機構合作,培訓公教學生領袖,加強基督徒使命感及價值觀。 |
5 . 5 the diocesan liturgy commission will issue detailed guidelines for the holy week liturgy in due course 5 . 5教區禮儀委員會將提供詳細的圣周禮儀指引。 |
Priests working in parishes should familiarize themselves with the relevant diocesan norms concerning marriage 堂區神父應熟習所有關于婚姻的教區守則。 |
Mr tien was born in shanghai and was educated at the diocesan boys school in hong kong 田北俊議員出生于上海,其后就讀于香港拔萃男書院。 |