
dimness n.1.暗淡,朦朧,模糊。2.蒙昧,愚鈍。短語和例子th...


The wood was silent , still and secret in the evening drizzle of rain , full of the mystery of eggs and half - open buds , half unsheathed flowers . in the dimness of it all trees glistened naked and dark as if they had unclothed themselves , and the green things on earth seemed to hum with greenness 在細雨中,樹林是靜息而比幾的,半開著的葉芽,半開著花,和孵估萬千的卵子,充滿著神秘,在這一切朦朧暗昧中,赤條條的幽暗的樹木,發著冷光,好象反怕衣裳解除了似的,地上一切青蒼的東西,好象在青蒼地低哦著。

The kindly dimness of the weak candle abstracted from her form and features the little blemishes which sunlight might have revealed - the stubble scratches upon her wrists , and the weariness of her eyes - her high enthusiasm having a transfiguring effect upon the fact which had been her undoing , showing it as a thing of immaculate beauty , with a touch of dignity which was almost regal 蠟燭微弱而溫和的亮光,掩蓋了她身上和臉上的小毛病麥茬在手腕上留下的劃痕,眼睛里流露出的倦容,這些毛病在日光下也許就會暴露出來。她的那張臉曾經害了她,現在她的高度熱情在她的臉上產生了美化的效果,表現出一種冰清玉潔的美,帶有一種近似王后的莊嚴。

Often reeled , and visions seemed to flit before him ; perhaps seen doubtfully , and by a faint light of their own , in the remote dimness of the chamber , or more vividly , and close beside him , within the 在長夜不眠的祈禱之中,他的頭腦時常暈眩,似乎有許多幻象在他眼前飛舞這些幻象有時在內室的昏暗中自身發著微光,看著似有似無,有時則出現在鏡子之中,近在咫尺,顯得更清晰些。

A dimness came over her , like a swoon . all her consciousness died , and she stood there wide - eyed , looking at him from the unknown , knowing nothing any more . he looked up , because of the silence , and saw her wide - eyed and lost 時間過著,康妮覺得一陣黑,象要暈眩了,她的意識全失了,她呆呆地站在那兒,圓睜著眼睛望著他,一切知覺都失了。

Prince andrey rallied all his forces to regain his senses ; he stirred a little , and suddenly there was a ringing in his ears and a dimness before his eyes , and like a man sinking under water , he lost consciousness 安德烈公爵盡著自己的全部力量想清醒過來他翻動身子,但突然兩耳轟鳴,兩眼昏花,像一個落水之人,失去了知覺。

Nowadays there are many problems in institutes such as unscientific goal of study 、 lack of enthusiasm 、 laxation of discipline 、 dimness of specialty 、 disequilibrium of content and so on 當前高校學風存在的問題主要表現在學習目的不科學、缺乏學習熱情、學習紀律松懈、專業思想淡薄、學習內容不均衡等方面。

Especially in some urgent situation , if we speak too fast , sometimes it becomes more dimness when we speak too anxiously , and finally the urgent events have to be been delayed 事情再怎么急迫,也要清楚的讓大家知道問題以及來龍去脈,但往往是越急越說不清楚,反而耽誤了時間。

It was three o clock ; the church bell tolled as i passed under the belfry : the charm of the hour lay in its approaching dimness , in the low - gliding and pale - beaming sun 時候是三點,我經過鐘樓時,教堂的鐘正好敲響。這一時刻的魅力,在于天色漸暗,落日低垂,陽光慘淡。

The light of sunrise and the dimness of sunset . the darkness and glimmers of the night . the warm and cold of the weather 天空是日月運行,群星閃爍,四季更換,白晝之啟明與暗淡,夜晚的黑暗與閃光,天氣的溫寒,云朵的浮游與蒼穹的湛藍幽深。

And they shall look unto the earth ; and behold trouble and darkness , dimness of anguish ; and they shall be driven to darkness 22仰觀上天,俯察下地,不料,盡是艱難,黑暗,和幽暗的痛苦。他們必被趕入烏黑的黑暗中去。

And they shall look unto the earth ; and behold trouble and darkness , dimness of anguish ; and they shall be driven to darkness 他們仰臉向天觀望,又俯視大地,只見困苦、黑暗、可怕的幽暗;他們必被趕入幽黑的黑暗中。

I contended with my inward dimness of vision , before which clouds yet rolled 我在疑云翻滾的內心同不明朗的態度斗爭著。

The dimness of road yelow river which is paralleled to road yangtz river 與長江路平行的黃河路的微茫

Shadowy dimness crept over the countryside 模糊的朦朧籠罩著鄉野。

The eyes need several minutes to adjust to the dimness 需要花幾分鐘的時間使眼睛適應昏暗。

Carson opened his eyes and found himself lying on sand, looking upward into a flickering blue dimness . 卡森睜開眼睛,只見自己躺在沙子上,仰望著隱約的藍色蒼茫。

Carson opened his eyes and found himself lying on sand, looking upward into a flickering blue dimness . 卡森掙開眼睛,只見自己躺在沙上,仰望著隱約的藍色蒼茫。

Then his eyes began to get used to the dimness . 不久他的眼睛就習慣暗淡的光線了。