
dimension n.1.尺寸。2.【數學】次元,度(數),維(數)。3....


Our purpose in this chapter is to examine the dimensions as well as the analytics of the employment problem in developing nations . 本章的目的在于對發展中國家的失業問題的各方面進行探討,并加以分析。

Theoretically, there are no limits to the dimensions of a radio telescope-array, but there are practical restrictions . 從理論上說,射電望遠鏡陣列的大小是不受限制的,但在實踐上卻有一定的局限性。

Crane makers are usually happy to give details of the dimensions of their cranes and bridges to structural engineers . 吊車制造廠商一般樂于將他們生產的吊車和橋架的詳細尺寸提供給結構工程師。

In other words, the comparator merely compares the dimension of the worn part with the standard reference part . 換句話說,比較儀不過是將磨損部分的尺寸與標準的基準部分進行比較而已。

At last it was engaged, that they should endeavour to determine the dimensions of the wood by walking a little more about it . 最后雙方同意,再在林子里走一走,好確定它究竟有多大。

We can approach the limiting case of free propagation by allowing the aperture dimensions to increase indefinitely . 讓孔的線度無限增大,我們就能趨近于自由傳播的極限情況。

The chromosome apparatus also created new dimensions of the space within which the process of evolution takes place . 染色體機制還產生新的空間維,進化過程就在那里進行。

Since sound waves are longitudinal, only one dimension need be considered to obtain the sound wave solution . 由于聲波是縱波,所以為了得到其解,只需考慮一維就行了。

The outer dimensions should be such that maximum utilization can be made of the available storage space . 外壁的尺寸大小,應使有效的貯藏空間能達到最大限度的利用。

Then he will judge the same anecdote in psychoanalytical terms, giving it a different dimension . 然后他又用精神分析的術語從完全不同的角度對這一故事進行評價。

Theodore roosevelt understood the dimensions of the popular fear of “trusts,“ and he abhorred monopoly . 西奧多羅斯福了解公眾多么害怕托拉斯,他憎惡壟斷。

He also sent instructions to have the dimensions of each room noted down and the result forwarded to him . 他還發出指示,吩咐把每間房的尺寸寫下來,寄給他。

For consistency in the comparison, the end span dimension is assumed to be 0. 4 of the center span . 為了在比較中取得一致,假定邊跨長度均為中跨的04倍。

The drastic reduction in the geometric dimension leads to great simplification in mathematical analysis . 幾何維數的急劇減少導致數字分析的極大簡化。

When the transverse dimensions of object and image are in the same direction, the image is erect . 當物和象的橫向維度處于相同的方向時,象是正立的。

And how my hatred for him grew and grew, during that fearful time, to cyclopean dimensions . 在這可怕的當兒,我對他的憎恨不斷生長,已長到最高峰。

Thus what is now called the wave equation in one spatial dimension appears for the first time . 這樣一來現在稱為一維的波動方程就第一次出現了。

It is hard to draw in two dimensions a picture of a vector function in three-dimensional space . 在兩維圖上畫三維空間的矢函數圖形是件難事。

“reportage“ has taken on an extra dimension as a result of recent french influence . 由于近來受到法語影響,“reportage”又多了一層含義。