
dillydally vi.(-lied;-lying) 吊兒郎當,閑混,閑逛...


Also , without being actually positive , it struck him a great field was to be opened up in the line of opening up new routes to keep pace with the times apropos of the fishguard - rosslare route which , it was mooted , was once more on the tapis in the circumlocution departments with the usual quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally 此外,雖然不到具體實施的程度,他腦子里還浮現出一個想法:為了與時代步調一致,應開拓新天地,開辟新航路。恰當的例子就是菲什加德-羅斯萊爾航路82 。人們紛紛說,經交通省提出后,照例由于衙門冗繁的文牘主義,因循姑息,吊兒郎當,凈是蠢才,至今仍在反復審議中83 。