
dilemma n.1.【邏輯學】(使對手在兩個或多個對他不利的事物中進...


Misunderstanding and the dilemma of the value of so - called 的價值誤區與現實困境

On the dilemma and outlet of science education in china 中國科學教育的困境與出路

An analysis on social public affaires and its dilemma 社會公共事務及其困境分析

Four dimensional interpretation of dilemma of cooperation 解讀合作困境的四個維度

On the dilemma and way out of scientific psychology 論科學主義心理學的困境與出路

The dilemma amp; outlet of civil aviation after reshuffle 民航重組后的困境與出路

Do you see a way out of this dilemma 你有什么方法擺脫掉這種進退兩難的局面嗎?

Medical cost control - institutional design and policy dilemmas 制度設計與政策選擇

Dilemma and way - out of help - seeker ' s management station 救助管理站的困境與出路

This places the enemy on the horns of a dilemma 這樣才能致敵于進退兩難之境地。

Dilemma of credit behavior of china ' s commercial banks 我國商業銀行信貸行為兩難

Introduces models for handling ethical dilemmas -介紹處理道德兩難抉擇的不同模式

On the dilemma and way out of judicial review system 論司法審查制度之困境與出路

Faced with that dilemma , he was perplexed 他面對進退兩難的局面,不知如何是好。

The chinese people are talented but also skeptical, aspiring but also conscious that no one man's intuition, however tremendous, can provide the answer to the dilemmas of history . 中國人民很有才能,同時也不輕信別人;他們很想有所建樹,但是也知道一個人的直觀知識不管多淵博,也無法解答歷史的一切難題。

Certain of his later novels, while conventional in treatment and unresolved in attitude, shed considerable light on the social dilemmas of jacksonian america . 他的某些后期小說,雖則仍運用傳統手法,觀點也不夠鮮明,仍可從中窺見不少杰克遜時代美國的社會問題。

Through incompetence, conviction, or overconfidence in his manipulative skills, allende never faced up to that dilemma . 由于阿連德領導無方,墨守信念,過分相信自己手腕高明,因此他從未認真對待這種左右為難的局面。

I put my answers to these and other questions in a memorandum on the dilemmas of modernization in the hemisphere . 在一份論述本半球現代化問題處于進退維谷境地的備忘錄中,我回答了上述的和其他一些問題。

Our dilemma was that we were constrained by domestic pressures from choosing either of the two options that made strategic sense . 難辦的是,囿于國內壓力,我們無法在兩個具有戰略意義的方案中作出選擇。