dilapidate vi.,vt.1.使(局部)毀壞,(部分)損傷。2.〔古...
vi.,vt. 1.使(局部)毀壞,(部分)損傷。 2.〔古語〕浪費,亂花(錢財等)。 “dilapidated“ 中文翻譯: adj. 破爛的(衣服等),要塌的(房子等);破落的,衰敗的。 a dilapidated fortune 衰敗的家道。 “dilapedated building“ 中文翻譯: 危險房屋“dilapidated building“ 中文翻譯: 破爛建筑物; 危房“dilao“ 中文翻譯: 迪朗“dilapidated carriageway“ 中文翻譯: 殘舊行車道“dilanyan“ 中文翻譯: 季拉尼揚“dilapidated house“ 中文翻譯: 部分毀壞的房屋; 東倒西歪的房子“dilantinum“ 中文翻譯: 大倫丁(苯妥英鈉); 大倫定苯妥英鈉“dilapidated wall“ 中文翻譯: 殘墻舊壁“dilantin sodium“ 中文翻譯: 大侖丁鈉, 苯妥英鈉, 二苯乙內酰脲鈉
dilapidated |
Achieve better utilization of land in the dilapidated areas of the built environment of hong kong and to make land available to meet various development needs 更良好地利用香港已建設環境中失修地區的土地,并騰出土地以應付各種發展需要 |
We will pool resources to basically complete , within two or three years , the upgrading of all large and medium - sized and key dilapidated small reservoirs in china 集中力量用兩到三年時間基本完成全國大中型和重點小型病險水庫改造。 |
Sitting down on a [ color = red ] [ b ] dilapidated [ / b ] [ / color ] wooden fence near the field , we opened a couple of tins of sardines and had a picnic lunch 我們在田邊一堵東倒西歪的籬笆墻上坐下來,打開幾聽沙丁魚罐頭,吃了一頓野外午餐。 |
We could also consider whether and how further financial assistance should be provided to , say , elderly owners of dilapidated flats with little income 我們也可研究應否和如何協助真正有需要者,如年老而又收入低微的業主。 |
Turning a dilapidated and crumbling ground with views miles from the pitch into one of the most impressive in the country 1994年大規模重建工程啟動,使原先幾英里外看去只是一片荒蕪的場地變為倫敦城最令人難忘的球場之一。 |
To reprovision dilapidated private wholesale food markets which have caused serious environmental nuisance and traffic congestion to the local district 重置破舊及對當地造成環境滋擾和交通擠塞的商營鮮活食品批發市場。 |
69 incidents of unsafe building parts caused personal injuries over the past three years . dilapidated buildings are seriously affecting hong kong s cityscape 過去3年,有69宗因樓宇建筑部分墜下而導致市民受傷的事件。 |
But before we new yorkers become too full of ourselves , it might be worthwhile to glance at dilapidated kaifeng in central china 然而趁我們紐約人還沒過度躊躇滿志之前,我們不妨對華夏中原那座破落的開封城回眸一瞥。 ) |
No one suspected that he maintained a secret apartment and toured nightclubs to drink with hostesses . however , his home was said to be dilapidated 他還一直在為一個近年已不再見面的情婦每月提供約合1500英鎊的生活費。 |
The walls and watch towers were then in a dilapidated condition , which were subsequently fully restored in 1994 with funding from the government 當時圍墻及更樓部分已倒塌,修繕工程由政府資助,于一九九四年完成。 |
But before we new yorkers become too full of ourselves , it might be worthwhile to glance at dilapidated kaifeng in central china 然而趁我們紐約人還沒過度躊躇滿志之前,不妨對華夏中原那座破落的開封城回眸一瞥。 |
But before we new yorkers become too full of ourselves , it might be worthwhile to glance at dilapidated kaifeng in central china 但在我們這些紐約人變得目空一切之前,有必要看看位于中國中部的破敗的開封市。 |
“ our strategy is to renew older built - up areas by redevelopment , rehabilitation and conservation . only dilapidated buildings will be redeveloped 我們的策略是透過重建、復修及保存的方式來更新舊市區。 |
Sitting down on a dilapidated wooden fence near the field , we opened a couple of tins of sardines and had a picnic lunch 我們在田邊一堵東倒西歪的籬笆墻上坐下來,打開幾聽沙丁魚罐頭,吃了一頓野外午餐。 |
First , the tenants who are now living in dilapidated buildings in crowded and unhygienic conditions will benefit 首先,居住在殘舊樓宇的租戶將會得益。他們現時的生活環境擁擠非常,衛生情況甚為惡劣。 |
“ our strategy is to renew older built - up areas by redevelopment , rehabilitation and conservation . only dilapidated buildings will be redeveloped 我們的策略是透過重建復修及保存的方式來更新舊市區。 |
But its gorgeous smooth surface suddenly gives way to a dilapidated [ 7 ] , pot - holed obstacle course for the rest of the journey 但是寬闊平坦的大路還沒完工就突然中止了修建,留下了一段坑坑洼洼的破路。 |
Buildings in disrepair , unauthorised building works and dilapidated signboards pose problems of public safety and scar our city outlook 樓宇失修違例僭建及殘破招牌,不但有損市容,更危害公眾安全。 |
The entrants pay a fee to drive their dilapidated car into each other , and the last car moving is declared the winner 參加者在制服一定的費用后,駕著他們各自的舊車互撞,最后一輛未被撞毀的車獲勝。 |