dihydrostreptomycin n.【藥學】雙氫鏈霉素。
n. 【藥學】雙氫鏈霉素。 “dihydrostreptomycin aminosalicylate“ 中文翻譯: 對氨水楊酸雙氫鏈霉素“dihydrostreptomycin ascorbas“ 中文翻譯: 抗環血酸雙氫鏈霉素“dihydrostreptomycin glycyrrhizinate“ 中文翻譯: 甘草酸雙氫鏈霉素“dihydrostreptomycin hydrochloride“ 中文翻譯: 鹽酸雙氫鏈霉素“dihydrostreptomycin pantothenate“ 中文翻譯: 泛酸雙氫鏈霉素“dihydrostreptomycin sulfate“ 中文翻譯: 硫酸二氫鏈霉素; 硫酸雙氫鏈霉素“dihydrostreptomycin sulphate“ 中文翻譯: 硫酸雙氫鏈霉素“dihydrostreptomycin-streptomycin“ 中文翻譯: 雙氫鏈霉素-鏈霉素復合劑“dihydrosphingosine“ 中文翻譯: 奪氫神經鞘氨醇; 二氫鞘氨醇; 二氫神經鞘氨醇“dihydrosinularin“ 中文翻譯: 二氫軟珊瑚素“dihydrosinapyl alcohol“ 中文翻譯: 二氫芥子醇“dihydrosecurinine“ 中文翻譯: 二氫葉荻堿“dihydroscandenolide“ 中文翻譯: 二氫藤薇甘菊內酯
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“ these nine chemicals are carbadox , dihydrostreptomycin , dimetridazole , furaltadone , furazolidone , josamycin , metronidazole , stretomycin and trimethoprim , “ he said . to ensure public health , the government implemented the first phase of the regulation on december 31 2001 to cover seven prohibited chemicals and 10 chemicals prescribed with mrls 為保障公眾健康,政府于二一年十二月三十一日起實施規例的第一階段管制,禁止使用法例列明的七種違禁化學物,以及十種訂有最高殘馀限量的化學物。 |
Testing parameters include tetracyclines , chloramphenicol , - lactams , sulfonamides , streptomycin , dihydrostreptomycin , and trimethoprim . monitoring of the veterinary drug residues in milk imported from the mainland was extended to cover the remaining chemical residues controlled under the final phase implementation of the harmful substances in food regulations on 31 december 2003 食物內有害物質規例最后階段管制于二零零三年十二月三十一日實施后,本署在監察內地進口奶類飲品所含殘馀獸藥時,也會測試規例列明的其馀受限制化學物的殘馀。 |
In 2002 , the man kam to food laboratory successfully developed and validated some new test methods for the determination of veterinary drug residues , including those of dihydrostreptomycin , streptomycin and trimethoprim 二零零二年,文錦渡食物化驗所成功研究出及確證一些新的殘馀獸藥測試方法,包括二氫鏈霉素、鏈霉素和甲氧芐氨嘧啶。 |
In 2002 , the man kam to food laboratory successfully developed and validated some new test methods for the determination of veterinary drug residues , including those of dihydrostreptomycin , streptomycin and trimethoprim 二零零二年,文錦渡食物化驗所成功研究出及確證一些新的殘馀獸藥測試方法,包括二氫鏈霉素鏈霉素和甲氧芐氨嘧啶。 |