
diffidence n.1.缺乏自信。2.羞怯,靦腆;謙虛。3.〔古語〕疑惑...


Hence , the peoole pay unprecedented attention on it and its quality has been improved gradually . but because of the news “ complication and the diffidence of journalists “ and the audience ' s scientific accomplishment , the scientific and technological news still has such problems as unscientific and unstraightaway . that ' s the reason it cannot accommodate itself to the front seat like the politics , sports and economic news . therefore , in the knowledge economic times which take science and technology as its base and core . it has important practical significance and theoretical vale to explore a way of releasing scientific and technological news from “ unscientific “ and “ unpopular “ shadow 知識經濟時代的大背景與“科教興國”戰略確立的小環境,從源與流兩方面為科技新聞提供了肥沃的土壤與廣闊的舞臺,科技新聞受到前所未有的關注,科技新聞的量與質均有了提高,但由于科技本身的復雜性、科技新聞工作者、受眾的科學素養不足以及某些科技工作者的價值觀異化等諸多原因,科技新聞存在著“不科學”與“不通俗”的弊端,使之仍不能像政治新聞、體育新聞、經濟新聞那樣“前排就座” 。

Yet we have noticed a phenomenon while foreigners seem to be getting on well here , no matter how successful they are , as experts , academics , businessmen , engineers , teachers , artistes or athletes , many will , time and again , reveal a sense of helplessness and diffidence that cannot be concealed . the emotion is not caused by prejudice 但是,大家也注意到這樣一個現象:不論多么成功的外來人才,不管你是身居高位的專家學者企業家商人,還是從事具體工作的工程師教師演員運動員,在生活的似乎無憂無慮的同時,許多人還是時不時會流露出一種無助不自信不理直氣壯的神情。

These persons , while they were ecstatic over the modesty of the tsar in declining the chief command of the army , deplored that excess of modesty , and desired and urged one thing only , that their adored tsar , conquering his excessive diffidence , would openly proclaim that he put himself at the head of the army , would gather the staff of the commander - in - chief about him , and , consulting experienced theorists and practical men where necessary , would himself lead his forces , who would be excited to the highest pitch of enthusiasm by this step 這些人雖然贊美皇帝拒絕統帥軍隊的謙虛品質,卻指責這種過分的謙虛,他們僅希望一件事,而且堅持自己崇拜的皇帝丟棄對自身的過分的不信任公開宣布做軍隊的統帥,屬下組建一個總司令大本營,自己指揮軍隊,必要時可請有經驗的理論家和實干家輔佐,這樣更極大地鼓舞軍心激昂士氣。

Having resolved to do it without loss of time , as his leave of absence extended only to the following saturday , and having no feelings of diffidence to make it distressing to himself even at the moment , he set about it in a very orderly manner , with all the observances which he supposed a regular part of the business 柯林斯先生正式提出求婚了。他的假期到下星期六就要滿期,于是決定不再耽擱時間,況且當時他絲毫也不覺得有什么不好意思,便有條不紊地著手進行起來,凡是他認為必不可少的正常步驟,他都照辦了。

Mr . rivers , i said , turning to him , and looking at him , as he looked at me , openly and without diffidence , you and your sisters have done me a great service - the greatest man can do his fellow - being ; you have rescued me , by your noble hospitality , from death “里弗斯先生, ”我說著轉向了他,像他看我那樣,堂而皇之毫無羞色地看著他, “你和你的妹妹們己經幫了我很大的忙一個最偉大的人,能為他的同類所做的,你以你高尚的殷勤,從死亡中拯救了我。

B 、 starting from sometime , all things existing in this wild world , like sam - ma , canned meat and even plastic wrap , have been labeled with a date of expiration , and that has triggered my diffidence in the permanent validity of anything on this planet 不知道從什么時候開始,在什么東西上面都有個日期,秋刀魚會過期,肉罐頭會過期,連保鮮紙都會過期,我開始懷疑,在這個世界上,還有什么東西是不會過期的?

Starting from sometime , all things existing in this wild world , like sam - ma , canned meat and even plastic wrap , have been labeled with a date of expiration , and that has triggered my diffidence in the permanent validity of anything on this planet 不知道從什么時候開始,在什么東西上面都有個日期,秋刀魚會過期,肉罐頭會過期,連保鮮紙都會過期,我開始懷疑,在這個世界上,還有什么東西是不會過期的?

After waiting a week , two weeks , and half a week longer , desperation conquered diffidence , and he wrote to the editor of the billow , suggesting that possibly through some negligence of the business manager his little account had been overlooked 他等待了一周,兩周,又等待了半周,鋌而走險戰勝了膽小畏怯,他給波濤的編輯寫了一封信,暗示說也許業務經理出于大意,把他那筆帳忽略了。

He spoke with the diffidence of a man who knew how slight a thing would overset the delicate organisation of the mind , and yet with the confidence of a man who had slowly won his assurance out of personal endurance and distress 他說話時不大自信,因為他深知心靈的結構很微妙,即使最輕微的活動也能把它推翻,同時也十分自信,因為他親身承受過苦難,逐漸產生了把握。

Such factors as the sense of shame , the negative impact from parents , low level of self - esteem , the interpersonal relation , diffidence and nervousness have great impact on their anxiety in social activity 通過訪談發現羞恥感、父母消極教養方式、低自尊水平、朋輩關系、人格中的內向和神經質因素對社交焦慮有重要影響作用。

That hurt ; for all his diffidence in coming to the job , mr ford had grown to like the life of a president , and so had betty 這個結果深深刺痛了他,因為他從當初妄自菲薄、缺乏信心擔心不能能夠勝任總統職位,逐步轉變成為一個游刃有余、熱愛自己工作的人,而且貝蒂也逐漸習慣第一夫人這個稱號。

There was an unceremonious directness , a searching , decided steadfastness in his gaze now , which told that intention and not diffidence , had hitherto kept it averted from the stranger 目光里有一種不拘禮節的直率,一種銳利明確的堅定,說明他一直避開陌生人不是出于靦腆,而是故意的。

His diffidence had prevented his depending on his own judgment in so anxious a case , but his reliance on mine made every thing easy 他因為膽怯,所以遇到這種迫切問題,自己便拿不定主張,總是相信我的話,因此這次一切都做得很順利。

The tendency of a person to allow himself to be degraded , robbed , deceived , and exploited might be the diffidence of a god among men 一個人甘愿自己被侮辱、被搶劫、被欺騙、被剝削,這或許是一位神在人群中感到的膽怯。

This naturally introduced a panegyric from jane on his diffidence , and the little value he put on his own good qualities 吉英聽了這話,自然又贊美起他的虛心來,贊美他雖然具有了許多優美的品質,可并不自以為了不起。

Miss darcy , though with a diffidence which marked her little in the habit of giving invitations , readily obeyed 達西小姐雖然對于邀請客人還不大習慣,顯得有些畏畏縮縮,可是她卻立刻照做了。

They tried to be lively and willing , but there was an air of hang - dog diffidence about the place 他們想提起精神,做出樂觀的樣子。但是這個地方有著一種使人內心自慚而羞于抬頭的氣氛。

She met girls of her own age , who looked at her as if with contempt for her diffidence 她見到和她年紀相仿的女孩,她們打量著她,似乎對她的畏縮神氣有些瞧不起。

Mr . cruncher , with some diffidence , explained himself as meaning old nick s 克朗徹先生覺得有點掃興,解釋說他指的是“老撒旦” 。