
difficulty n.1.困難;難事,難局,逆境;障礙。2.異議;爭論,糾...


I was under great difficulties between urgency and shame . 我又急又羞,非常難過。

We should not overlook the difficulties . 不應忽視困難。

She might have her own difficulties . 她也許有她的苦衷。

The money is enough to tide him over the difficulties . 這筆錢足夠他度過難關了。

The sophistication involved him in difficulties . 他閱世很深,給他添了不少麻煩。

She stood beside him through all his difficulties . 她同他并肩闖過他的一切難關。

In the face of difficulties , he 's completely unafraid . 他在困難面前毫不怯懦。

He sobered, but with difficulty . 他好不容易才平靜下來。

He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy . 他毫無困難地駁倒了這個謬論。

Each family has its own difficulties . 各家有各家的難處。

Nitroguanidine ignites with difficulty . 硝基胍難于引爆。

The problem bristles with difficulties . 此問題困難重重。

This would have been an exploit of no great difficulty . 這一招使起來十分容易。

All sorts of unexpected difficulties cropped up . 種種想像不到的困難都發生了。

She has no notion of the difficulty of this problem . 她不了解這個問題的難處。

He studies english without difficulty . 他學英語不太費勁。

We must hold out. and not be frightened by the difficulties . 不能被困難嚇倒。

You can count on me to help in case of difficulty . 設有困難,當助一臂之力。

Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt . 千難萬險都不足以使人懷疑。