
different adj.1.不同的,不一致的,有差別的。2.各種的,各式...


He has seen service in many different parts of the world . 他當兵到過世界各地。

The two constituents project to different heights . 這兩種組元的噴射高度不同。

The effect of the treatment varies with different individuals . 療效因人而異。

The two worlds are markedly different . 兩個世界判然不同。

Two different techniques of radiation were used . 人們采用兩種不同的照射技術。

Things which seem to be like may be different ... 看來相同的東西實際可能不同。

We live in two different physical worlds . 我們是生活在兩個不同的物質世界里。

He had matured in a different atmosphere . 他是在一個不同的環境里成長起來的。

The head distribution is different in the two layers . 兩層中的水頭分布不同。

He was very different from the virtuous edward . 他大不同于一本正經的愛德華。

Is portuguese very different from spanish ? 葡萄牙語和西班牙語的差別很大嗎?

A rather different fate seems more likely . 另一種大不相同的命運似乎更可信。

People pass different judgements on him . 人們對他褒貶不一。

This idea can be formulated in two different ways . 這個意思可以有兩種說法。

Her after-world was quite a different affait . 她的身后世界可決不是這樣的。

Sewage, however, is rather different . 然而,污水則有所不同。

Reading and writing are two different skills . 閱讀和寫作是兩種不同的技能。

A variety of different symbols is in use . 符號的用法不統一。

My style of writing is very different from yours . 我寫作的風格和你很不同。