
difference n.1.差異,差別。2.不和,爭論。3.【數學】差,差額...


I find such profound differences among our rulers . 我認為我們這些統治者們有很大區別。

The difference is slight [negligible] . 相差甚微。

The difference in titles is characteristic . 書名的不同已經足以顯示他們各自的性格了。

Yet it meant all the difference between survival and failure . 然而這決定著生死前途。

I can not see any difference . 我一點差別也看不出。

There is no difference between them . 兩者毫無差別。

Difference of opinion broke the party up into camps . 意見分歧使該黨分裂成若干集團。

Urban-rural differences were widespread throughout iowa . 城鄉差別遍及整個衣阿華州。

This convention makes no difference to the results . 這種習慣做法不會得出不同結果。

There is practically no difference . 實際上并無差別。

That intolerable difference proscribed the word . 那種無法容忍的差別排斥了這個詞。

Yes , it makes all the difference . 是的,它非常重要。

It is the difference of the elect and the vulgar . 這是上等人與下等人之間的區別。

It made no difference to the raccoon . 浣熊仍無動于衷。

The difference of rank between us is too great . 我們兩人的社會地位相差太懸殊了。

I will be willing to absorb 60% of the difference . 我愿意承擔差額的百分之六十。

The differences between the two systems are narrowing . 兩種體制的差別正在縮小。

There are several species differences . 有好些種族差異。

Notice the difference between the following sentences . 請注意下面兩句話的區別。