
dictatorship n.1.執政者的職位[任期]。2.專政,獨裁。3.獨裁權...


It is no accident that the twentieth century should be the century of highly centralized governments and totalitarian dictatorship . 20世紀應當是高度集權的政府的世紀,是集權主義獨裁政治的世紀,這決非偶然的事情。

It is no accident that the twentieth century should be the century of highly centralized governments and totalitarian dictatorships . 20世紀應當是高度集權的政府的世紀,是極權主義專政的世紀,這決非偶然的事情。

It is no accident that the twentieth century should be the century of highly centralized governments and totalitarian dictatorships . 20世紀應當是高度集權的政府的世紀,是集權主義專政的世紀,這決非偶然的事情。

The theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat is the quintessence of marxism . 無產階級專政的理論是馬克思主義的精髓。

The fall of the fascist dictatorship was followed by a left-wing backlash . 法西斯專政的垮臺引起左翼運動的高漲。

There are better ways to control crime than by offering dictatorship . 至于控制犯罪,有許多比專政更好的辦法。

I have an efficient government--a rigid dictatorship . 我有一高效率的政府--一個強硬的獨裁者。