
dichotomize vt.,vi.二分,對分,叉分;(把…)分成兩叉。 di...


Said ' s main critique is directed against the way in which the western ( defined more specifically as british , french , and to a certain extent more recently , north american ) economic , political and academic powers have developed a dichotomized discourse in which an ascendant west is juxtaposed with a silent eastern other according to terms and definitions specified and determined by the west itself . chapter three is about how people could avoid the determining restrictions of the perspectives and underlying rules set down by orientalism 賽氏主要是在批判西方(準確的說是英國、法國和近來的北美)通過其經濟的、政治的以及學術的力量、以及自身所規定的一套術語和規則來建立一套二元對立的話語,在這套話語當中,高高在上的西方對位于一個被規訓的、沉默的東方“他者” 。