
dice n.〔本為 die2 的復數;但在口語中亦可作單數用。其...


Dice the taro and steam for about 20 minutes until cooked 芋頭切成小粒,入蒸鍋蒸20分鐘至熟。

You couldcall it that . one ofourprisoners has been . diced 可以這么說.我們的一個囚犯.碎了

Kicked on that occasion for cheating at dice 是因為擲骰子做假么?

Or the roll of the dice . it ' ll depend on you sonny 也不是擲骰子擲出來,而是靠你自己,桑尼

Blanch the tripe and the pig s kidney . dice the green pepper 水燒開,下入肚片和腰花,焯透。

Give me a good number , ) okay , mr . dice 給我一個好數目, )好,小片先生

Fabiana and our grandchildren didn ' t give us any dice 法比婭娜和我們的孫子們沒有給我們機會

Please don ' t be so ) angry with mr . dice 請不是如此)生氣的對小片先生

Dicing her up into iittle , iittle pieces 把她弄成一小片一小片的… …

Application performance of the gpj - 60 a hyperbaric dice filter 型盤式加壓過濾機的應用效果

Compression and decompression of diced cylindrical panoramas 柱面全景圖的分塊壓縮和解壓縮

Then she lets her shoulders relax , picks up the dice 然后,她的肩膀松弛下來,拿起了骰子。

It ' s called gongbao diced chicken . it ' s a sichuan dish 服務員:叫“宮保雞丁”是四川風味的

He lost two dollars on a throw of dice 他在一次的骰子投擲上輸了二元。

Gather up some flowers , slice ' em and dice ' em , 搜集些花,剪好,弄好。

Death and dice level all distinction 死亡和骰子一視同仁。盡管截然不同,卻一樣鐵面無私。

You can , though , do the dice throwing for them (您越接近,所經歷的可能洗牌順序也越少。

One of the dice has rolled under the table 有一粒骰子滾到桌子下面去了。

No dice , we ' ll stick with the original one 不行,我們要堅持最初的計劃。