
diarrhoea n.【醫學】腹瀉。 have diarrhoea 下痢,...


Nicotine may decrease the mother s milk supply and may cause vomiting , diarrhoea and restlessness to the baby 尼古丁會減低母乳的分泌及可能引致嬰兒嘔吐、腹瀉及煩躁不安。

Do not handle food in case of illnesses such as fever , diarrhoea and vomiting . seek medical advice at once 如遇上腹瀉嘔吐等腸胃不適,必須即時停止處理食物,并接受治療。

The illness is characterized by sudden onset of fever , diarrhoea with abdominal cramps and nausea or vomiting 發病初期,患者會出現發燒、腹瀉,腹部絞痛、惡心或嘔吐。

The illness is characterized by sudden onset of fever , diarrhoea with abdominal cramps and nausea or vomiting 發病初期,患者會出現發燒腹瀉,腹部絞痛惡心或嘔吐。

Antibiotics are useful to shorten the duration of the diarrhoea and reduce the duration of bacteria excretion 抗生素可有效縮短腹瀉的時間,從而縮短排出細菌的時間。

Main symptoms include diarrhoea and vomiting which can cause dehydration , acute renal failure and even death 嚴重的會令身體大量缺水,導致急性腎衰竭,甚至死亡。

Initial symptoms include nausea , loss of appetite , vomiting , abdominal pain , fever , and severe diarrhoea 初時的癥狀包括惡心失去食欲嘔吐腹痛發熱及嚴重腹瀉。

Used for catching cold the intestines and stomach disease caused , suffer from diarrhoea , suffering from abdominal pain etc . 用于受寒引起的胃腸病腹瀉腹痛等。

Probiotics in prevention of antibiotic associated diarrhoea and intestinal microflora analysis in children 益生菌預防嬰幼兒抗生素相關性腹瀉及對腸道菌群的影響

Clinical features : common symptoms include vomiting , diarrhoea and abdominal pain , with or without fever 病徵:常見癥狀包括嘔吐腹瀉及腹痛,或有發燒。

6 . children developing vomiting or diarrhoea should refrain from school and seek medical advice 6 .學童如出現嘔吐或腹瀉現象,切勿上學,并應盡早求診。

Does rectum polyp see diarrhoea , how to apply medicine of doctor of traditional chinese medicine to treat 直腸息肉可見腹瀉嗎,如何運用中醫藥治療?

Ebola is characterised by fever , diarrhoea , severe blood loss and intense fatigue 埃博拉病毒的特點是發燒,腹瀉,嚴重失血和嚴重的疲勞。

Diarrhoea may also reduce the efficacy of certain medications such as oral contraceptives 腹瀉也會減弱某些藥物,如口服避孕藥,的藥效。

Other symptoms include coughing , diarrhoea , shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing 其他癥狀包括咳嗽、腹瀉、氣促或呼吸困難。

Other symptoms of disease include lameness , inappetence , diarrhoea and a high temperature . 其他癥狀包括跛行、食欲不振、腹瀉及高燒。

I have diarrhoea 我拉肚子了

Inhibition of berberine on hypersecretory diarrhoea induced by cholera toxin in isolated guinea - pig 小檗堿治療分泌性腹瀉的實驗研究

Symptoms are usually mild , including diarrhoea , vomiting , dizziness and fever 一般的徵狀包括輕微的如腹瀉腹痛嘔吐暈眩及發熱等。