
diagnostic adj.1.診斷的。2.特征的。n.1.征候,特征。2....


The diagnostic study of collapse syndrome in patients with mods 患者脫證的診斷探討

Road vehicles . diagnostic testing of electronic systems 道路車輛.電子裝置診斷測試

Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of malaria 瘧疾診斷標準及處理原則

Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of cholera 霍亂診斷標準及處理原則

Diagnostic techniques for fowl typhoid and pullorum disease 雞傷寒和雞白痢診斷技術

Thinking on diagnostic standard of tcm syndrome pattern 中醫證候診斷標準的研究思路

Ffdc is one of db2 s most useful diagnostic tools Ffdc是db2最有用的診斷工具之一。

No diagnostic servers were detected on the network 網絡上未找到診斷服務器。

Diagnostic techniques for highly pathogenic avian influenza 高致病性禽流感診斷技術

Diagnostic techniques for actinobacllus pleuropneumonia 豬放線桿菌胸膜肺炎診斷技術

After diagnostic data collection has completed , 診斷數據收集完成后,便會退出

You need to run a diagnostic on the entire network 你需要對整個網絡進行診斷

Diagnostic criteria and principle of management of measles 麻疹診斷標準及處理原則

Diagnostic systems for road vehicles - glossary 道路車輛診斷系統.第1部分:術語詞匯

The application of entropy method in diagnostic test 曲線分析及診斷分界點確定程序

Developing the diagnostic ctiterion of job burnout 工作倦怠評價標準的初步探討

Diagnostic analysis of spiral ct on acute pancreatitis 對急性胰腺炎的診斷分析

Discussion of objective thinking of tcm diagnostic methods 中醫診法客觀化思路探討

Early diagnostic value of procalcitonin for sepsis 降鈣素原對膿毒癥的早期診斷價值