
dharma n.1.〔印度〕【佛教】宇宙法規(包括自然法規和道德法規...


Clearing obstacles for our dharma centre october 2004 daily activities at kechara paradise 為佛教中心所舉辦的消災祈福儀式2004年十月

This course is a instruction of life philosophical thinkings upon buddha dharma 這個課程,是一個探討佛法當中的生命哲學思想的課程。

A comprehensive review of studies on an itinerary in tang china for buddhist dharma in the past 50 years 二語習得風格研究五十年回顧

Bring dharma home 把心帶回家

Secondly , going for refuge to the dharma means to give up harming sentient beings , semchen 第二皈依了佛法,就不應該傷害眾生有情。

Yes , if they meet an appropriate person who speaks the dharma to them 可以的,若遇著適當的人對它說法,如生公說法,頑石點頭。

The arising of truth and courage allows us to realize the core essence of dharma 真實和勇氣的生起,使得我們了解佛法的核心真髓。

You are entering into a consciousness of interconnectivity which many call dharma 你們正在進入我們可以稱之為達摩的互聯意識中。

He found them useful in guiding people to practice dharma in daily life 他覺得它們很有用,可以引導人們在日常生活中修行佛法。

The dharma flower sutra , volume ii , chapter 1 , introduction , 357 pages , 7 . 95 佛教源遠流長,經典浩若淵海,這要看你如何去領悟。

Inviting a dharma teacher 迎請法師

The sound of dharma flows 法音如流

We can practice according to the dharma to attain enlightenment 如果時時保持我們的心是念佛的心,就是“悟” ,就是“佛” 。

Joyously tuned to the heavenly sounds of the dharma , its heart flowers into a lotus bloom 喜聞天上佛法音,心開意解蓮花綻

The analysis of historical gradual progress of the relationship between dharma and happiness 試析德性與幸福關系的歷史演進

Our dharma center at sunwaymas , bandar utama , selangor , malaysia 我們的中心位于馬來西亞吉隆坡靠近bandar utama的sunwaymas

Being deeply interested in dharma , he took the novice vows at an early age 根頓越達就誕生在這富傳奇性的瀟灑戶中。

After 45 years of teaching the dharma , the buddha passed into parinirvana . 經過45年的說法之后,佛陀進入涅磐狀態。

Dharma drum mountain peace bell 法鼓山平安鐘