
dew n.1.露;露水一樣的東西(淚等)。2.爽快,清新,輕快...

dew cell

Does the rain have a father ? who fathers the drops of dew 28 [和合]雨有父嗎?露水珠是誰生的呢

Get me a mountain dew and chopped salad 幫我買點沙拉,加一杯激浪

The dew on the branches drizzled our hair and shoulders 枝頭上的露珠潤濕了我們的頭發和雙肩。

A mountain dew . do you have moonpie 一聽激浪汽水,你們有月餅嗎?

Come on , guys , let ' s get ourselves some fucking mountain dew 大家來啊,讓我們來點私釀威士忌

The dew shall weep thy fall to - night 今宵的露珠兒將為你的消逝而落淚

Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night 夜間,大氣中的水汽凝成露水。

It is sweat , not dew , that helps the harvest 豐收不靠露滴,而靠汗水

Dew hangs on a spider web near independence , kan 美國堪薩斯州獨立市,蜘蛛網上掛滿了露珠。

Molecular sieve dryer , air dew point is - 40 after drying 分子篩干燥干燥后空氣露點達到- 40

The on - line isotope dew point measurer control scheme 應用數字證書實現基于角色的訪問控制

Flowers cried at night , and dews on leaves were left 花兒在夜晚哭泣,露珠留在了葉子上。

Determination of trace water in the gases - dew point method 氣體中微量水分的測定露點法

Test method of dew condensation for windows and doors 窗門結露的試驗方法

The base temperature should be 3 above the dew point 底材溫度須高于露點以上3 。

But a heavy dew refreshed the earth at night 只有夜晚厚重的露水滋潤著大地。

Life is poetically compared to the morning dew 在詩歌中,人生被比喻為朝露。

If you were the morning dew , i would be the grass 如果你是朝露,我愿是小草。

Temperature of dew - point in whole degrees or and tenths -露點,以十分一度為單位