
devilry n.1.惡劣行為。2.魔法,妖術。3.惡作劇;胡作非為。...


On the formation of the moral dedication and remuneration system , encouraging the salt of the earth . punishing the devilry man , which is good for advancing civil moral diathesis . administing the party by moral is a key to ruling country by virtue . party pioneer exemplar has important effect on socialist mores 建立道德奉獻與回報機制,對道德高尚的人進行獎勵,保障他們的道德權力,同時對那些惡行進行懲罰,這是提高培養公民的道德素質的有效途徑。以德治政,是以德治國的關鍵,黨員的先鋒模范作用,對社會風氣的好轉起著至關重要的作用。

Here is a fellow , who , infected by the most pestilent and blasphemous code of devilry that ever was known , abandoned his property to the vilest scum of the earth that ever did murder by wholesale , and you ask me why i am sorry that a man who instructs youth knows him 有這么一個人,因為受到了人世間最險惡最褻瀆的魔鬼信條的傳染,竟然把財產放棄給了世界上最壞的殺人如麻的流氓,而一個教育青年的人竟然會認識他。對此你卻要來回我為什么感到遺憾,好吧,我來回答你。

Who could tell what devilry the ingenious americans were up to ? 誰說得準那些詭計多端的美國人在搞什么鬼名堂?