
detrude vt.1.推下,推落。2.推走,推出。n.-trusio...


Nonetheless , we should be clear - headed to recognize that the young chinese stock market is sti 11 suffering severe “ i 11 ness “ . the heated debate between detrude - and - start - from - scratch - again and do - not - biame - a - baby has urged market participants to envisage the reality 然而我們必須清醒地看到,年幼的中國股市仍沉疴在身, “推倒重來”與“不能責備嬰兒”等論調的激辯,讓市場參與各方都開始正視現存的問題。

A few days ago , amoy jin long associate with automobile industry co . , ltd detrude the ark no . 1 - half - luxury passenger car with the whole new design theory the character of the passenger car : the particular space frame , the changeable function 繼無錫市去年10月1日與上海市實現公共交通卡一卡通用后, 11月1日蘇州市也將與上海市實現互聯互通。

We can also detrude the parameter of trace and pcb when we regulate the settled coupling request . we can use the software to instruct the design 也可以根據固定的對端接敏感器件的走線耦合要求或標準推導出相應的走線和pcb的物理結構參數,以此來指導設計。

Amoy jin long detrude a series of half - luxury passenger car 17城市行無阻長三角三年內實現公交一卡通