
despise vt.輕視,藐視,看不起。 Strategically ...


Just as you may despise charles for his overburden of apparatus, you perhaps despise him for his lack of specialization . 正如你可能嘲笑查爾斯笨重的裝備一樣,你也可能嘲笑他研究面太寬,不夠專業化。

To the old florentine it was impossible to despise the recommendation of standing well with the best florentine families . 對于這位佛羅倫薩老人來說,不可能輕視能與佛羅倫薩名門望族融洽相處的舉薦。

At the time i despised those among my schoolmates who were finding their first pleasures in dancing, wine, and cigarettes . 當時,我瞧不起我同學中那些在跳舞、喝酒、抽煙上尋得他們第一樂趣的人。

Still the images of the vision she despised jarred and distressed her like painful and cruel cries . 然而,她所輕視的這幻景的形象,仍然象痛苦而殘酷的呼喚那樣,折磨著她,刺激著她。

At the same time, he despised himself for his own failure in an aspect of the revolutionary catechism . 同時,他又因為自己在一個方面違背《革命道理問答手冊》而鄙薄自己。

It looked the room of one with a sober magnanimity, who went to the heart of things, despised haggling . 這房間看起來是屬于一個穩健豁達的人物的,他深悉事理,鄙視爭辯。

I don't know whether i more loathe the brutality of you germans or despise your sentimentality . 我真不知道是更厭惡你們德國人的野蠻獸性還是瞧不起你們的自作多情。

He won't support us willingly, he'll preach against us, and he'll despise our revolution . 他不會甘心情愿支持我們,一定會把我們教訓一頓,對我們的革命瞧不上眼。

That the russians loathed and despised the germans as a form of invading vermin was obvious . 德國人那種作為入侵歹徒的形象受到俄國人的深痛惡絕和唾棄自不待言。

He's destroyed every vestige of my love, and now i only despise him, i utterly despise him . 他已把我的愛毀滅得絲毫不剩,如今我只是看不起他,我完全蔑視他。

At the bottom of her heart she despised the other people, who carped and were loud over trifles . 她在心底里蔑視其他人,他們專在小事上吹毛求疵,小題大作。

He did not hate them, but secretly he despised them, for in the end they were just frightened . 他不恨他們,但心里看不起他們,因為他們骨子里都是膽小鬼。

We should not despise plain features, nor a laborious yet honest occupation . 我們不應該看不起相貌平常的人,也不應該看不起辛苦而正直的職業。

Had he been only in a violent fever, you would not have despised him half so much . 要是他只是發了一次高燒,你就不會象這一半兒那樣褒貶他了。

She suffered agonies of guilt for neglecting and despising her father . 她因為過去忽視和看不起父親而受到良心責備,現在為此感到極大痛苦。

She despised herself when she remembered the utter self-abasement of the past . 當她回憶起過去的不折不扣的自卑時,她便瞧不起自己。

I despise him for himself, and hate him for the memories he revives ! 對他本身,我可瞧不起他,而且為了他所引起的回憶而憎恨他!

He despised people who allowed their lives to be disturbed by personal emotion . 他蔑視那些讓自己的生活受個人感情影響的人。

Medeline had come to despise the two girls with whom she had shared a flat . 梅德琳越來越討厭跟她住在一套房間的兩位少女。