
despicable adj.惡劣的,卑鄙的,可鄙的。adv.-bly


Second , you if to woman too good , anything was thinking she , she instead can think you too are despicable , 沒 骨氣 二、你如果對女人太好,什么都想著她,她反而會認為你太下賤,沒骨氣!

But you profane it by saying , the table of the lord is defiled , and the produce on it , its food , is despicable 12你們卻褻瀆我的名,說,耶和華的桌子是污穢的,其上的食物是可藐視的。

Even before i take her to and from lesser , hindsight , i really feel good when their despicable good boring 甚至我拿以前的她來和小雅比,現在回想,真的覺得自己當時好卑鄙,好無聊。

It is despicable because it brutalizes the human beings who organise it , bet on it and watch it 它之所以是可鄙的行為,是因為它讓組織斗犬、對斗犬下注以及觀看斗犬的人類變得殘忍。

There is no criminal act so despicable in which they do not eagerly participate , if an illegal profit can be made 只要有利可圖,他們是不會計較該項犯罪行動是如何卑劣的。

Rome prince mp to the other players , the despicable act of spitting in italy aroused public indignation “羅馬王子”托蒂向對方球員吐痰的卑劣行徑在意大利國內引起了眾怒。

“ in truth , what albert has just done is either very despicable or very noble , “ replied the baron “的確,阿爾貝剛才的舉動不是十分可鄙,就是十分高尚。 ”

“ oh , this is too much , “ cried hermine , choking , “ you are worse than despicable . “噢,這太過分了,閣下, ”愛米娜哽咽著大聲說道, “你真是庸俗極了。 ”

A despicable , sneaky person , especially one who betrays or informs upon associates 鼠輩,卑鄙小人;令人生厭,狡猾的人物,特別是出賣或告發同伴的人。

A despicable , sneaky person , especially one who betrays or informs upon associates 鼠輩,卑鄙小人令人生厭,狡猾的人物,特別是出賣或告發同伴的人

One who gain fame and fortune in a despicable society usually has traits unspeakable 在一個不正常的社會里成名得利的,必然有其不堪之處。

The u . s . government called the attack “ a despicable act for which there is no excuse . 美國政府稱襲擊是“沒有任何理由的卑鄙行徑” 。

Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil , despicable acts of terror 數千人在恐怖分子的卑劣和罪惡行徑下突然間失掉了寶貴的生命。

Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil , despicable acts of terror 數以千計的生命在突然之間被邪惡的,卑鄙的恐怖行為奪走了。

Amargeddon can be brough upon us single - handedly by the one who wears a despicable smile 世界末日只須一只手,外加一個鄙夷的微笑。

Ways and means . . . ? were those of michaelis more despicable than those of clifford 難道蔑克里斯的方法和手段,比克利福的更卑下么?

Frank whitaker : i know it ' s wrong because it makes me feel despicable 弗蘭克?惠特克:我知道這是錯誤的,因為它讓我有卑鄙的感覺。

You ' re despicable 你這個卑鄙小人

I was hoping you ' d iet me apologize for my despicable behavior earlier 我希望你能接受我的道歉我先前的舉止顯然有些失態