
despair n.1.絕望,失望。2.令人絕望的原因〔指人或事〕。3....


The suit, undecided, has fallen into rack, and ruin, and despair . 這場打不完的官司只是招來了痛苦,破產和絕望。

The neophyte must not despair of mastering the rules and procedures . 初學的人不必在熟悉規則和程序中感到失望。

If that were broken, i should despair of the immediate future . 假如這一點遭到破壞,我對最近的將來就絕望了。

We'll get again the foul taste of hope soured to despair . 我們將再一次嘗到希望變成絕望的那股難受滋味。

Her moods kept changing : now happy , now filled with despair . 她的情緒多變,時而高興,時而感到絕望。

This preposterous order roused the carthaginians from despair . 這一荒謬的命令使迦太基人從絕望中驚醒。

Out of sheer despair she at once concocted a reckless scheme . 絕望之余,她想出了一個無可奈何的計策。

They're all in despair . 他們都瘋了。

How black was his despair when he felt himself sinking again . 而當他再度下沉時,更覺水里暗淡凄涼!

He is my despair . 他是無可救藥的了。

He is my despair . 他是我萬萬趕不上的。

He switched off the lamp and gave himself up completely to despair . 他擰滅了燈,完全陷入了絕望。

After his wife 's death , he seemed to give himself over to despair . 他妻子死后,似乎萬念俱灰。

His life is despaired of . 他的一生完了。

With despair he heard the man call three numbers in a row . 他失望地聽到那人一連叫了三個數字。

But the days succeeded each other with despairing monotony . 一天一天就這樣枯燥無味地過去了。

It was a great formidable cry of anger and despair . 這得一種不可輕侮的憤怒和絕望的大聲叫喊。

Despair suddenly swept down upon her, overpoweringly . 一陣絕望突然以壓倒的威力朝她猛襲過來。

He is his mother 's despair . 他使他媽絕望了。