
desk n.1.書桌,辦公桌。2.值勤臺。3.〔美國〕講道壇。4...

desk bound

I climbed over my bench and sat down at once at my desk . 我跨過板凳,坐到了自己的書桌前。

Please move the desk a few inches to get better light . 請把桌子移動一下,這樣光線會好些。

Ruefully, he looked down at the stack on his desk . 他愁眉苦臉地看了看辦公桌上的一摞文件。

Put it in a desk drawer . 把它放到書桌抽屜里去。

Give me the service desk , please . 請接服務臺。

In the backroom study stood two desks side by side . 在里屋書房里,有兩張桌子并排放著。

The old lady at the desk leered at her knowingly . 辦公桌旁的老太婆會心地斜睨了她一眼。

We had one desk between us . 我們合用一張寫字桌。

The ink has spilt on the desk . 墨水撒在桌子上了。

The small desk was bare . 那張小辦公桌上一無所有。

I was looking over my desk . 我掃了我的辦公桌一眼。

She did not even notice who was sharing the desk . 她甚至沒注意到和她同桌的是什么人。

She walked up to the desk and asked to see the manager . 她走到辦公桌前要求見經理。

Look ! there is a big cockroach on your desk light . 看啊!有只大蟑螂在你的臺燈上。

He drummed his fingers lightly on his desk diary . 他用手輕輕地敲打著他的辦公日記。

After the gale , there was a layer of dust on the desk . 大風過后,桌上落了一層灰。

We 'd better move the desk into the next room .. 我們最好把這張書桌搬到隔壁房間去。

He sat down behind his desk and lit a cigarette . 他在辦公桌旁坐下來,點燃一支煙。

The maid had mixed all the papers on my desk . 清潔女工把我桌上的紙弄得亂七八糟。