deserter n.遺棄者;脫黨者;逃亡者;逃兵。
n. 遺棄者;脫黨者;逃亡者;逃兵。 “deserter the“ 中文翻譯: 偽叛者“army deserter; deserter; slacker“ 中文翻譯: 逃兵“a craven deserter“ 中文翻譯: 膽怯的逃兵“assisting deserter“ 中文翻譯: 協助脫逃者“conceal a deserter“ 中文翻譯: 藏匿人犯“deserter from armed forces“ 中文翻譯: 軍隊逃兵“desertencroachment“ 中文翻譯: 荒漠擴展;沙漠擴侵“deserted wife“ 中文翻譯: 棄婦“desertfication in china“ 中文翻譯: 中國國土的沙漠化“deserted vent“ 中文翻譯: 死火口“deserticolous“ 中文翻譯: 漠棲的“deserted takyr“ 中文翻譯: 漠境龜裂土“deserticolous plant“ 中文翻譯: 沙漠植物“deserted here“ 中文翻譯: 寂寥的
desertion |
Counts were also made of deserters , servicemen sentenced to correctional labor institutions , servicemen sentenced to death , servicemen removed from the count of permanent losses ( i . e . turned out to be alive ) , servicemen suspected of collaborating with the germans , and servicemen who were captured but survived 統計中還包括這些類別,逃兵,被判決入勞改營的服役者(鳥注:我懷疑根本不是入勞改營,而是入懲戒營) ,被判死型的服役者,從永久性損失中剔除的服役者(也就是改列為生還者) ,被懷疑通敵的服役者,和被俘后生還的服役者。 |
We all profess the christian law of forgiveness of sins and love for ones neighbourthe law , in honour of which we have raised forty times forty churches in moscowbut yesterday we knouted to death a deserter ; and the minister of that same law of love and forgiveness , the priest , gave the soldier the cross to kiss before his punishment 我們都信守基督教教規恕罪愛他人,為此在莫斯科建立了四十個教區的四十座教堂,可是昨天就有一名逃兵被鞭笞致死,在宣布極刑前,那個愛與恕的教規的執行人神甫,叫那名士兵親吻十字架。 ” |
After many disputes and confabulations , it was settled that major - general grekov , with two regiments of cossacks , should go with the polish deserter . now , remember , said count orlov - denisov to the polish deserter , as he dismissed him , if you have been lying , i will have you shot like a dog , but if its true , a hundred crowns “你可要記住, ”奧爾洛夫杰尼索夫伯爵在送走那個中士時對他說, “你要是說了謊話,我一定把你當一條狗吊死,要是真的,我就賞給你一百個金幣。 ” |
As so often happens when the man in whom we are putting faith is no longer before our eyes , it all seemed at once perfectly clear and obvious to him that the deserter had been playing them false , that he had been telling them lies , and was only spoiling the whole attack by removing these two regiments , which he was leading awaygod only knew where 他突然覺得,正如我們信任的人不在眼前時常有的情形,已經完全清楚,明明白白,那個中士是一個騙子,他說了個大謊,天知道他把兩個團的人帶到哪里去了,由于這兩個團的人馬不在,全部俄國的攻擊給破壞了。 |
Article 373 whoever incites a serviceman to desert from the unit or knowingly employs such a deserter , if the circumstances are serious , shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not more than three years , criminal detention or public surveillance 第三百七十三條煽動軍人逃離部隊或者明知是逃離部隊的軍人而雇用,情節嚴重的,處三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。 |
The deserter made no reply to these words , and with a resolute air mounted his horse and rode off with grekovs men , who were hurriedly gathered together 那個中士面帶堅決的表情對這些話未作回答,跨上馬,隨著迅速集合起來的格列科夫的人馬一同出發了。 |
Since spike might be an army deserter , rehgar feels confident enough to use him as his new gladiator without worrying about alliance revenge 由于狼牙可能是個逃兵,雷加一點都不擔心聯盟會找他麻煩。 |
A deserter from the french camp was brought to him . it was a polish under - officer of poniatovskys corps 快要天亮的時候,還在打瞌睡的奧爾洛夫伯爵被驚醒了。 |
You ' re harboring deserters , i could confiscate this farm and everything on it , 既然你們敢窩藏逃兵我就有權沒收這片農場和其中所有東西 |
I ' m a deserter , 我是個逃兵 |
These charts do not include counts of deserters , those convicted or executed , etc 這些表格尚不包括逃兵,被宣判及被處決的人,等等。 |
You ' re deserters 你們是逃兵 |
Now , i ' m a deserter 現在我又是個逃兵 |
We heard there were some deserters up in these parts hidden out in a big cave , 我們聽說這附近有幾個逃兵躲在一個大山洞里 |
We heard there were some deserters up in these parts hidden out in a big cave 我們聽說這附近有幾個逃兵躲在一個大山洞里 |
He is a craven deserter 他是個膽小的逃兵。 |
The deserter has escaped 那名逃兵已經逃走。 |
We went down to visit you when we heard you were harborin ' deserters , 我們下山去拜訪你們發現你們竟敢窩藏逃兵 |
They are army ma ' am . deserters 他們就是軍人,叛逃者 |