
descend vi.1.下來,下降。2.下斜,下傾。3.(財產等)傳給...


Gorbachev and raisa descended together from their plane at heathrow airport . 戈爾巴喬夫和賴沙一起從停在希恩羅機場的飛機上走下來。

The german records show the gloom that descended on military circles in rome . 德國記載顯示出對羅馬軍界人士心中所產生的憂郁情緒。

I cannot descend to be tricked out of assurances that are not really wanted . 我不能屈從地去被那些并不是真正應該說出的話所欺騙。

The emperor was already descended from the tower, and advancing on horseback towards me . 皇帝已經從尖塔上下來,騎著馬向我走來。

Independence had descended like a hurricane on the unprepared country . 國家獨立象一陣颶風一樣突然降臨到這個沒有作好準備的國家。

The rest of us descended on the white house daily from every corner of town . 其余的人都是每天從城市之各個角落來白宮上班的。

Sometimes the tangle descends on us like a net of blight on a rose bush . 有時候困境就會像玫瑰花的枯萎病一樣糾纏在我們身上。

They descend with a gliding motion that reminds one of the flight of birds . 他們下山時的滑翔動作,使人聯想起鳥類的飛行。

By my theory these allied species are descended from a common parent . 根據我的學說,這些近緣的物種是由同一的祖先而來的。

She refrained from further speech, and descended to the ground floor again . 她忍住沒有再說別的話,然后又回到樓下。

The northwest flight was steady on course, descending . 那架西北航空公司的飛機穩穩地在自己的航道上飛行,正在下降。

Descending past the narrow wood, they came on the farm suddenly . 他們往下走過狹窄的樹林,就突然來到了農莊上。

She has only her jointure, which will descend to her children . 她只有她的寡婦所得產,而那會留給他的孩子們的。

With beating hearts, they descended through the hawthorns . 于是他們懷著忐忑不安的心情,穿過山楂叢,走下山坡。

Early in the new year an american technical team descended on beijing . 新年伊始,一個美國技術小組飛抵北京。

Presently after, these two set forth and descended to the harbour . 不多一會兒,他們倆就動身下港口去了。

Mr. whitelaw's benevolence would descend like soothing balm . 懷特洛先生的仁慈就會象甘露一樣從天而降。

She descends in a direct line from the country 's first president . 她是這個國家的首任總統的直系后裔。

She descended the stairs and left the door like a ghost . 她象個鬼魂似的下了樓梯,離開了那扇門。