
derisive adj.1.嘲弄的,愚弄的。2.可笑的,值得嘲笑的。ad...


Cold and derisive her queer female mind stood apart , and though she lay perfectly still , her impulse was to heave her loins , and throw the man out , escape his ugly grip , and the butting over - riding of his absurd haunches . his body was a foolish , impudent , imperfect thing , a little disgusting in its unfinished clumsiness 冷酷地譏消地,她的奇異的婦人之心遠引著,雖然她一動不動地躺著,但是她的本能卻使她挺起腰子,想把那男子擠出去,想從他的丑惡的緊抱中,從他的怪誕的后臂的沖撞中逃了出來。

From illusion to reality , compagnie philippe genty travels through a universe where absurd , derisive , cruel images fit into a method of association without narrative logic , as in a dream 從幻象到現實,菲臘尚狄木偶劇團游走于廣闊天地中,這個天地把荒謬、嘲弄、殘酷的意象彷佛如夢境一般,沒有敘述邏輯地串連在一起。

Instead , there was a derisive cheer of “ kooo - beeee “ that started in the third quarter and very well could have followed the lakers home 相反,只有在第三節開始時有稀稀拉拉的幾聲“科-比”的呼喊,很有可能我們可以在湖人的主場再次聽到他們的聲音。

They flushed, however, when she burst into a shout of derisive laughter . 然而,當地大聲嘲笑起來的時候,她們的臉不禁漲紅了。

A great derisive exhibition was held in munich . 在慕尼黑舉行一次嘲弄性的大型展覽。