
dereliction n.1.遺棄,放棄。2.玩忽職守,懈怠 (of)。3.海...


Whether the security branch has notified the census and statistics department of the fact regarding the granting of one - way exit permits by the chinese side in excess of the agreed quota ; if not , whether there has been dereliction of duty , abuse of power or maladministration on the part of the security branch 單程證配額的協議是否具有法律效力,還是一項沒有法律約束力的君子協定及保安科有否通知統計署有關中方超額批出單程證的事實若否,保安科是否失職濫權,或行政失當?

1 ) the article deals with the objective aspect of the official crime which is the dereliction of duty embodied by the inevitably connection between the act and duty . 2 ) it illustrates the object of the crime , namely , the state management . 3 ) it points out the subjective aspect that is intent or misfeasance . 4 ) it studies the subject that is the national public servant 職務犯罪的客觀方面表現為犯罪行為與職務之間的必然聯系即“行為的瀆職性” 。接著,文章又揭示了職務犯罪的犯罪客體? ?國家對公務的管理職能。再次,文章分析了職務犯罪的主觀方面? ?故意或過失。

Article 31 : any functionaries in the recipient unit who have caused severe damage to the donated assets as a result of their abuse of power and authority , dereliction of duty , malpractice through favoritism and committing irregularities will be dealt with by their units according to relevant stipulations ; and those who are found guilty of a crime will be prosecuted for criminal liability according to the law 第三十一條受贈單位的工作人員,濫用職權,玩忽職守,徇私舞弊,致使捐贈財產造成重大損失的,由所在單位依照有關規定予以處理;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

The constitution also rules that citizens have the right to criticize and make suggestions regarding any state organ or functionary and the right to make to relevant state organs complaints or charges against , or exposures of , any state organ or functionary for violation of the law or dereliction of duty 憲法還規定,公民對于任何國家機關和國家工作人員,有提出批評和建議的權利;對于任何國家機關和國家工作人員的違法失職行為,有向有關國家機關提出申訴、控告或者檢舉的權利。

Article 84 dereliction of duty , abuse of power for personal gains and practise favouritism by personnel of the land administrative departments shall be affixed of criminal punishments according to criminal law whereas the case is serious enough to constitute a crime or imposed of administrative punishments whereas the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime 第八十四條土地行政主管部門的工作人員玩忽職守、濫用職權、徇私舞弊,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,依法給予行政處分。

New developments and changes in the prevention of dereliction of duty include : adopting preventive measures before or concurrently with the occurrence of a case instead of after the case ; and formulating preventive measures collectively for cases of similar nature instead of for individual cases , and for the entire system instead of for focal areas 在預防職務犯罪工作方面,有新的發展和轉變:即是從案后的預防發展到案前的預防和同步的預防,從個案的預防發展到類案的預防,從重點的預防發展到系統的預防。

It is stipulated in chinese labor law that an enterprise shall not cancel its labor contract with an laborer while the laborer is receiving medical treatment for diseases or injuries within the prescribed period , unless he seriously violates labor disciplines or the rules and regulations of the enterprise , or causes great losses to the enterprise due to serious dereliction of duty , or is ordered for criminal responsibilities in accordance with the law 根據中國勞動法規定,除非雇員嚴重違反勞動紀律或者用人單位規章制度,或者嚴重失職,營私舞弊,對用人單位利益造成重大損害,或者被依法追究刑事責任,雇員患病或者負傷,在規定的醫療期內,企業不得解除勞動合同。

At the same time , will be introduced in zhuzhou city of graded management system , health administrative departments at all levels to the region consumer food safety overall responsibility , strictly enforce the certification who who supervision and who is responsible , and dereliction of duty acts will be severely punished 與此同時,株洲市將推行量化分級管理制度,各級衛生行政部門對本區域內的餐飲消費安全負總責,嚴格實行誰發證、誰監管、誰負責,失職瀆職行為將受到嚴厲懲處。

“ madame , “ replied villefort , with a mournful smile , “ i have already had the honor to observe that my father has - at least , i hope so - abjured his past errors , and that he is , at the present moment , a firm and zealous friend to religion and order - a better royalist , possibly , than his son ; for he has to atone for past dereliction , while i have no other impulse than warm , decided preference and conviction . “夫人, ”維爾福苦笑著說道, “我很幸運地看到我父親已經至少我希望公開承認了他過去的錯誤,他目前已是宗教和秩序的忠誠的朋友一個或許比他的兒子還要好的保皇黨,因為他是帶著懺悔之情,而我只不過是憑著一腔熱血罷了。 ”

If a motion initiated jointly by one - fourth of all the members of the legislative council charges the chief executive with serious breach of law or dereliction of duty and if he or she refuses to resign , the council may , after passing a motion for investigation , give a mandate to the chief justice of the court of final appeal to form and chair an independent investigation committee 如立法會全體議員的四分之一聯合動議,指控行政長官有嚴重違法或瀆職行為而不辭職,經立法會通過進行調查,立法會可委托終審法院首席法官負責組成獨立的調查委員會,并擔任主席。調查委員會負責進行調查,并向立法會提出報告。

Since the “ sars ” crisis which was broken in 2003 , a large quantities of civil servants have been punished , some even lost their government posts because of their dereliction . for the past three years , follow with the governments and the publics ’ interest , the civil servant accountability has been developed rapidly 2003年的“非典”危機引發了中國政壇上前所未有的“問責風暴” ,一批公務員因為在抗擊非典中的失職、瀆職行為受到各種處罰,甚至丟官去職。

Citizens have the right to make to relevant state organs complaints and charges against , or exposures of , violation of the law or dereliction of duty by any state organ or functionary ; but fabrication or distortion of facts with the intention of libel or frame - up is prohibited 對于任何國家機關和國家工作人員的違法失職行為,有向有關國家機關提出申訴、控告或者檢舉的權利,但是不得捏造或者歪曲事實進行誣告陷害。

Meanwhile , in order to bind the fund manager ' s behaviors and better protect the interests of the fund beneficiary , the law requires the fund manager be responsible for both the fund beneficiary and the fund in case of any dereliction of duty 同時為了約束其行為,更好的保護基金受益人的利益,法律要求基金管理人在違反其義務時,不但要向基金受益人承擔責任,同時也要向基金財產承擔責任。

If an individual is directly responsible for dereliction of duty , malfeasance or other unlawful conduct that gives rise to a major accident or severe losses , he shall be investigated for economic and administrative responsibility , and even criminal responsibility 由于失職、瀆職或其它違法行為造成重大事故或嚴重損失的直接責任者個人,應追究經濟、行政責任直至刑事責任。

It would be a dereliction of duty if the government were to allow foreign capital to enter the domestic real estate market for speculation in the presence of poor public housing conditions and negligible housing welfare in the country 如果國內民眾的住房條件還很差,住房福利水平還很低,而讓這種十分稀缺的資源成為外國資金炒作的投資品,這應該是政府的一種失職。

This failure amounts to a dereliction of duty , said the chairman of wwf hong kong , mr . markus shaw . the afcd has had extensive powers since 1962 to restrict the fishing effort and manage fisheries , most of which it has never exercised 他續稱:從1962年起,漁農自然護理署已賦予范圍廣泛的權力,限制捕魚量及監管漁業資源,但當中大部份至今從未運用。

Article 46 working personnel of advertising supervision and management organizations and advertisement administrative organs shall be given administrative punishments for committing dereliction of duty , abuse of their power to personal gains 第四十六條廣告監督管理機關和廣告審查機關的工作人員玩忽職守、濫用職權、徇私舞弊的,給予行政處分。

Whether it has assessed if there was dereliction of duty on the part of ld in handling the stt application made in 1981 ; if it has , of the assessment results ; if not , the reasons for that (一)有否評估地政總署在處理上述一九八一年的短期租約申請時是否失職;若有,評估的結果;若否,原因為何;

I seated myself in a chair , and rocked to and fro , passing harsh judgment on my many derelictions of duty ; from which , it struck me then , all the misfortunes of all my employers sprang 我自己坐在一張搖椅上,搖來搖去,心里嚴厲地斥責我許多次的失職我當時想到我的主人們的所有不幸都是由這些而來。