
derby 短語和例子Derby1n.1.(英國 Epsom Dow...

derby china

Bert : meet me at the brown derby after 完了之后,我們在布朗.德比碰頭吧

The derby network server runs on the default port of Derby network server運行在默認端口

I thought you were at the brown derby . . 我想我在布朗德比飯店見過你. .

In derby , you need to explicitly set objects in 在derby中,需要顯式地在

Includes tool and derby - specific help 是否包括工具和特定于derby的幫助:

This is the only way to load derby and 這是加載derby的惟一方法,并且在每個java虛擬機上

The following are other jar files related to derby 以外,還有下列jar文件與derby有關。

Is the only supported way to work with the built - in derby 是使用內置derby的惟一方式。

Derby provides two types of restore mechanisms Derby提供了兩種恢復機制:

Why ibm is open sourcing cloudscape as derby 為什么ibm要將cloudscape源代碼開放為derby

Build a derby calendar , part 2 : embedding options 建立一個derby日歷,第2部分:嵌入選項

A cardinal rule of using embedded derby is 使用嵌入式derby的一項重要原則是

Create a content management system with php and derby 使用php和derby創建內容管理系統

For derby , they need to be unique 對于derby來說,主鍵約束名要求是惟一的。

No further calls to derby will be allowed 這樣將不允許再對derby進行調用。

Fri 4 werder bremen vs aachen fri 5 derby vs luton 星期五5英冠侯城對諾域治

Develop apache derby applications in eclipse 未顯示需要javascript的文檔選項

There are several reasons to use derby in gt4 在gt4中使用derby有幾個原因:

At derby they detached two coaches from the train 在德比他們從火車上摘下兩節客車。