
deputation n.1.代理,代表;代表團。2.派代表,委派。短語和例子...


The panel met deputations and received views on hats . the panel continued discussion on hats stage 2 with the administration 事務委員會與團體代表會晤,并聽取他們對凈化海港計劃的意見。

The panel received views on the review of the method for selecting ce under the basic law from deputations 事務委員會就《基本法》所訂行政長官產生辦法的檢討,聽取團體代表發表意見。

Panel continued the discussion on the management of c d materials , and met with deputations on the subject 事務委員會繼續進行有關拆建物料管理工作的討論,并就此議題與團體代表會晤。

The absence of the citizens and of a deputation , and even the burning of moscow , did not daunt him 莫斯科的居民都跑光了,沒有代表團前來見他,甚至連莫斯科大火,都沒有使他驚慌失措。

The panel met with deputations on difficulties encountered by some sectors in obtaining insurance coverage 事務委員會與團體代表會晤,以了解部分行業在獲得保險保障方面所遭遇的困難。

The panel met deputations to receive views on the new seven years residence requirements for cssa and ssa 事務委員會與代表團體會商,聽取他們對綜援及福利金的新居港7年規定的意見。

Napoleon had lunched , and was again standing on the same spot on the poklonny hill , waiting for the deputation 拿破侖吃過早飯,又站在波克隆山上那個剛才站的位置上,等候代表團。

The panels followed up the discussion on the proposed cwcs and met deputations on the subject 兩個事務委員會跟進有關醫療廢物管制建議計劃的討論,并就此議題與團體代表會晤。

The subcommittee held a total of nine meetings , including a meeting with public deputations on november 12 小組委員會共召開了九次會議,包括在十一月十二日會見公眾人士。

The panels met deputations and received views from civil service staff unions of the affected grades 兩個事務委員會與團體代表會晤,并聽取受影響職系所屬公務員工會的意見。

The subcommittee continued to meet deputations to receive views on west kowloon cultural district 小組委員會繼續與團體代表會面,聽取他們對西九文娛藝術區發展計劃的意見。

I emerged from my hill to find the deputation gone , panicked by the ground that shook and roared beneath them 等我從我的山里出來代表團已經走了,是被這地動山搖給嚇跑的。

Yes , there she lies before me ; but why is the deputation from the city so long in coming ? he wondered 是的,它已在我的腳下,那又為什么城市代表團這么久還未露面呢? ”

The panels continued to meet deputations to receive views on west kowloon cultural district 兩個事務委員會繼續與團體代表會晤,聽取他們對西九龍文娛藝術區的意見。

The panel continued discussion on the proposed landfill charging scheme and met with deputations 事務委員會繼續就擬議堆填區收費計劃進行討論,以及與團體代表會晤。

The administrations response to views expressed by the deputations at the public hearing on 27 november 2003 政府對2003年11月27日公聽會上各團體所表達意見的回應

The panel met with deputations and received views on the proposed centre for youth development 事務委員會與團體代表會晤,聽取他們對擬建的青年發展中心的意見。

The panels met with deputations and received views on the central reclamation phase iii 兩個事務委員會與團體代表會晤,并聽取有關中環填海計劃第iii期的意見。

The panel met deputations and received views on rent policy and rent assistance schemes 事務委員會與團體代表會晤,聽取他們對租金政策及租金援助計劃的意見。