
deprive vt.1.剝奪,使 (sb.) 不能享受 (of) 。2...


Whom god would ruin , he first deprives of reason 上帝要毀滅其人,必先使他失去理智。

Rathbone : no doubt your deprived childhood 毫無疑問,正是童年的事事不遂心愿

Did i want to deprive my son the chance . . 我能剝奪我兒子捉這條魚的權力嗎?

To a life deprived of the works of genius 過著與天才們的作品相隔絕的生活。

Moving would deprive them of their rental income 遷居會使他們喪失租金收入。

Am i the only one who ' s not culturally deprived 我是唯一受過文化熏陶的人嗎?

“ i shall deprive you of a treat , “ said quilp “我卻不能讓你過癮, ”奎爾普說道。

There are some trees that deprive the house of light 有一些遮住房中光線的樹木。

Moving would deprive them of their rental income 搬家將剝奪他們房屋出租的收入。

These misfortunes almost deprived him of his reason 這些不幸幾乎使他失去理智。

Only one who is deprived of all that goes beyond the barest necessities for subsistence would be incapable of enjoying the act of giving material things . 只有被剝奪了全部最低限度的生存必需品的人才無法享受給予物質行為的快樂。

The unaccountable depression that possessed philpot deprived him of all his usual jocularity and filled him with melancholy thoughts . 一種難以形容的沮喪心情使菲爾波特失去了平時那種詼諧樂觀的性格,他心中愁緒萬端。

They deprived a large number of the overseas chinese of their means of livelihood and drove them out of their residences in dire poverty . 他們剝奪了大批華僑勞動人民的生活資料,然后將他們掃地出門。

“well,“ replied joe, “so much the worse for the natives; we shall deprive them of the pleasure of our conversation. “ “唔”,喬答道,“這些土人更倒楣,因為我們不叫他們有和我們談話的樂趣。”

The buyer is not deprived of any right he may have to claim damages by exercising his right to other remedies . 買方可能享有的要求損害賠償的任何權利,不因他行使采取其它補救辦法的權利而喪失。

Old mrs. lee had been afraid that family misunderstandings might deprive her of her yearly visit to alexandra . 李老太太一直擔心著家庭的失和,可能影響她每年一度對亞歷山德拉的例行拜訪。

Circumstances undoubtedly deprive many potential managers of opportunity; few may succeed to top position . 無疑,許多有潛在能力的管理者受環境影響,而失去良機,只有少數人能得到高位。

She inclined more and more to that peace and quietness of which montague dartie had deprived her in her youth . 她變得愈來愈喜歡安靜了,因為蒙達古達爾第在她年青時總鬧得她心緒不寧。

He must woo and flatter the official because without his goodwill he will be deprived of information . 他必須討好和奉承這個官員,因為沒有官員的善意,他就搞不到情況。