deposal n.罷免,免職;廢位。
n. 罷免,免職;廢位。 “depose“ 中文翻譯: vt. 1.把…免職,廢黜(國王等)。 2.【法律】宣誓證明 (that)。 3.放置。 depose sb. from office 免去某人的職務。 depose sth. on the table 把某物放在桌上。 vi. 宣誓作證。 depose to a fact 宣誓證明某事。 adj. -able 可廢除的,可罷免的。 “deposable“ 中文翻譯: 可罷黜的; 可廢除的; 可供證的“depose an emperor“ 中文翻譯: 廢帝“deportment“ 中文翻譯: n. 行為,品行;舉止,態度。 “deposed child syndrome“ 中文翻譯: 棄兒綜合征“deportivo tachira“ 中文翻譯: 塔赤雷“deposed from office“ 中文翻譯: 開除公職, 免職“deportivo saprissa“ 中文翻譯: 薩普里薩“deposed monarch“ 中文翻譯: 被廢黜的君主“deportivo la coruna“ 中文翻譯: 拉科魯尼亞俱樂部足球隊; 拉科魯尼亞體育
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Article 75 in the event that any public health authority fails to report the occupational diseases and occupational - disease - inductive accidents as regulated , the upper - level public health authority will order the liable public health authority for correction in addition to notice of criticism ; the principals , executives and other personnel directly responsible for any inaccurate report or deliberate concealment of actual conditions are subject to such disciplinary actions as post - lowering , deposal or dismissal 第七十五條衛生行政部門不按照規定報告職業病和職業病危害事故的,由上一級衛生行政部門責令改正,通報批評,給予警告;虛報、瞞報的,對單位負責人、直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予降級、撤職或者開除的行政處分。 |
Article 72 in the event that the organizations or individuals provide the occupational - health technical services without obtaining the qualification thereof , or any healthcare agencies undertake occupational health examination and occupational - disease diagnosis without statutory approvals , the competent public health authority can order the responsible organizations or individuals to immediately stop the violating practice , and confiscate the illegal income therefrom ; any organization or individual gaining an illegal income over rmb 5 , 000 yuan is also subject to a fine equaling 2 to 10 times of the illegal income ; any organization or individual gaining no illegal income or an illegal income less than rmb 5 , 000 yuan is also subject to a fine between rmb 5 , 000 and rmb 50 , 000 yuan ; the executives and other personnel directly responsible for the severe illegal practices are subject to such disciplinary actions as post - lowering , deposal or dismissal according to applicable regulations 第七十二條未取得職業衛生技術服務資質認證擅自從事職業衛生技術服務的,或者醫療衛生機構未經批準擅自從事職業健康檢查、職業病診斷的,由衛生行政部門責令立即停止違法行為,沒收違法所得;違法所得五千元以上的,并處違法所得二倍以上十倍以下的罰款;沒有違法所得或者違法所得不足五千元的,并處五千元以上五萬元以下的罰款;情節嚴重的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,依法給予降級、撤職或者開除的處分。 |
Those research results will be applied on some important civil engineering such as china national high level radioactive waste deposal , energy storage project , the deep exploitation of petroleum and gas , and the construction of the exceed deep and exceed long tunnel of “ south to north of water ” project 開展大型材料模擬試驗技術、節理巖體三場耦合理論和關鍵試驗技術的研究,為國家高放廢物處置、能源戰略儲存、石油深層開采、南水北調西線超深超長隧道營建等重大工程服務。 |