
departure n.1.起程,出發;(火車的)開行。2.背離,違反 (f...

departure hall

She did leave it, and when the anguish of the parting was over, her departure was a relief to both sisters . 她真的離開了,當分別的痛苦過去之后,姊妹倆都覺得松了口氣。

She left the rest of its contents to be disposed of by the auctioneer and took her departure for the continent . 她把其余的一切交給拍賣商處理,動身前往歐洲大陸了。

In normal times my newfound prominence would almost surely have speeded my departure from government . 在通常情況下,我新樹起來的名聲幾乎肯定會使我很快離開政府。

We began to save toward the trip north, plotting our time, setting tentative dates for departure . 我們開始攢錢上北方,我們計劃著時間,暫時走出啟程的日期。

As many of these people brought their families with them, their departure resembled an emigration . 在他們中間,許多人把家眷也帶來了,簡直是大規模的移民。

The evening and the following morning were spent in concluding arrangements for his departure . 那天晚上和第二天早晨,他就把他搬家的種種事情都弄妥當了。

The poor curate was naturally very much dismayed at the contemplated departure of his pupil . 可憐的副牧師聽得他的學生打算離開,自然有說不出的悲傷。

Andrew and celia hoped that winnie's departure for australia would be long delayed . 安德魯和西莉亞都希望溫妮啟程到澳大利亞去的時間能盡可能推遲。

Koch breezed through the three airport metal detectors and into the departure lounge . 科克輕松地通過了三道機場金屬探測器關口,進入了候機大廳。

The departures of an actual image from the prediction of simple theory are called aberrations . 實際的象與簡單理論所預期的象的偏差,叫做象差。

Our departure from tientsin was signalized by an unusual mark of chinese governmental courtesy . 我們離開天津時受到了中國政府特別隆重的禮遇。

Giuliano, i learn from a letter sent by you that the pope was angry at my departure . 鳩利亞諾,收到來信,得悉教皇對我擅自離職一事大為震怒。

His departure left a gap both in the hale family and in hawaii that would never be filled . 他的死既給黑爾家也給夏威夷留下了不可彌補的缺陷。

thus the maximum horizontal range is attained when the departure angle is 45°. 因此,當發射角為45時,有最大水平射程。

I would be sorry to see that happen, dr lord, and your departure would be a loss . 要是那樣,我會感到惋惜的,洛德博士,你的離開將是個損失。

The departure of data values from the general background trend is generally emphasised . 一般突出了數據值與背景總趨勢之間的偏離程度。

He had become urgent in his entreaties that the betrothal might take place before his departure . 他急切地請求要在他走之前就訂婚。

Byron's eyes smarted; he had had no sleep since the departure from manila . 拜倫感到兩眼扎痛;自從離開馬尼拉以來,他還沒睡過覺呢。

When i studied his file, his departure from cambridge struck me as most peculiar . 我研究他的檔案時,感到他離開劍橋一事十分奇怪。