
depart vi.,vt.1.〔古、詩〕離開。2.(火車等)開行 (...


As these luminous and massive stars exhaust their hydrogen fuel, they begin to depart from the upper end of the main sequence . 當這些亮而且質量大的恒星耗盡了氫燃料時,它們就開始從主星序上端脫離。

He accordingly departed somewhat abruptly, and went home to consider whether he would seek to bring about a meeting with her . 因而,他有些出人意料地告辭了,他回家去考慮是否需要再找機會與她面談。

However, the cross-sectional shape frequently departs from the circular and at times this eccentricity may assume importance . 然而,橫斷面形狀往往偏離圓形,而且有時這種偏離是有其重要性的。

I was lying between sleep and waking, my eyes wide open in the darkness, the sickness quite departed . 我正迷迷糊糊,似醒非醒地躺著,我在黑暗中睜大著眼睛,那時候,病痛已經消失大半。

In former colonial countries many people with such skills also needed to replace departing expatriates . 在原殖民地國家中,也需要許多有這種技術的人去接替那些大批離去的外國人。

There was the restling of autumn winds, a whispering breath of departed revelry: carnival was almost done . 秋風在樹葉中瑟瑟作響,竊竊私語告訴你歡樂已逝,嘉年華會將近尾聲。

Your lordship is merciful, of course. but it is a great responsibility to depart from the usual practice . 主教大人慈悲為懷--這自然沒說的。可是違背慣例是要負重大責任的。

His tone is offhand, his gesture toward the departing women is forceful and unmistakable . 他那口氣聽來很粗魯,他向那些走過去的婦女作出的手勢頗具威力,而且是不容誤會的。

Reproached by sharpless and crushed by remorse, he bids a tearful farewell to the past and departs in tears . 他挨了夏普勒斯的責備,悔恨交加,告別過去的一切,揮淚而去。

It is quite easy through external actions to depart from equilibrium and form less probable arrangements . 外界的作用不難使系統偏離平衡狀態而呈現出可見性較小的排列。

He raised up the powerless frame, and the departing soul looked out of the eyes with gratitude . 他把那癱瘓的身體抬了起來;那垂死的人眼睛里發出了感激的神色。

If any aspect of the production departs from that laid down in their documentation, it should be stopped . 如果生產的任何方面不符合規范要求,則應終止操作。

In this section we depart briefly from the subject of newton's laws to discuss the question of units . 在這一節中,我們暫時離開牛頓定律來討論一下單位問題。

By the side of victor emmanuel every quarrel should be forgotten, all rancour departed . 在維多伊曼紐爾身旁,一切爭執都應當忘記,一切宿恨都應該拋棄。

He departed at a brisk gallop, but on the way met gethings and cutter returning . 他輕快地飛跑而去,可是跑到半路上,就碰見葛星斯和克特在趕回來了。

The merchant took his hat from a rack by the door and prepared to depart for the evening . 這商人從門口架子上取下他的帽子,準備出去消磨黃昏。

Do not blame him, for departing from his character where the deviation is necessary . 不要因為他在必要的時候做出背離他性格的行為而責備他吧。

Having warbled his thanks and put the potions in his boots, hugo departed . 雨果用顫音唱出了他的感謝,把藥放進他的靴子里,便揚長而去。

With great indifference he saw his old crops depart for coldstream . 他帶著漫不經心的神情瞧著他的老部隊離開那兒向科爾斯特里姆進發。