
deny vt.(-nied;-nying)1.否定,否認;不承認...

deo volente

Don't deny yourself ! 不要自暴自棄!

We should never deny the values of our traditional culture . 我們永遠都不能否認我們傳統文化的價值。

This night before the cock crows , you shall deny me three times . 今夜雞叫以前,你要三次不認我。

You wouldn't deny an old man that small favour . 對一個老人,這么一點小小的恩惠,你總不會拒絕吧。

The prime minister , speaking on television , denied the reports . 首相在電視講話中否認這些報道。

There is no use denying it . 賴沒有用。

This was denied to me . 這個我未曾得到。

The medieval nominalists denied the reality of universals . 中世紀唯名論者否定一般概念的實在性。

I was denied satisfaction . 我未曾滿足。

He denies himself nothing . 他對自己放縱。

The fact can 't be denied . 事實不可抵賴。

He won't dare deny it . 他未必敢否認那件事。

He denied the signature . 他不承認這個簽字。

There is no denying the fact . 事實無可否認。

The compensations of such religion are denied wolf larsen . 海狼賴生得不到這種宗教的報償。

His application was denied . 他的申請遭到拒絕。

He won't dare to deny it . 他未必敢否認那件事。

Dogmas are at their best when nobody denies them . 教條的日子在無人否定它們的時候最好過。

The waiter seemed convinced that i could not deny it . 看來那個茶房已經相信我否認不了了。