
denotative adj.1.指示…的,表示的 (of)。2.【邏輯學】外...


In general , the relative concepts of the labor and capital - owner with their denotative and connotative . the respective characteristics of economic organizations in different social systems are discussed and analyzed , followed by the making - up of the labor and capital - owner at current phrase in china 從總體層面上對一般企業勞、資關系的相關概念的內涵、外延,不同社會制度下的經濟組織或企業勞、資關系的性質、特征及我國現階段企業勞資關系的構成進行了初步分析。

A fairly perfect approach to reading is expected to get the involvement of better understanding of words for both denotative and connotative meanings , inferential comprehension as well as appreciation , in which various trainings of strategies and techniques are required , and simultaneously the great challenges to teachers have to be taken 文章指出,根據語言學理論,完整的閱讀理解教學應包括字面理解、推理性理解、評價和欣賞能力的培養,而每一種能力的培養,又包含多種閱讀策略和方法的訓練,因此,這一教學思路也同時對英語教師提出了更高的要求。

To achieve this purpose , we must focus on four aspects : to deal with the relationship between denotative development and connotative development in insurance properly ; to attach more importance to develop capital market so as to actualize diversified insurance investment ; to tail after the bank - insurance tide of world insurance ; to train a lot of all - round professionals in time 實現我國保險市場金融工具的有效創新與配置,必須從4個方面努力:處理好外延式發展與內涵式發展的關系;重視發展資本市場,實現保險投資的多元化;跟蹤世界保險業銀保業務融通的趨勢,適時出擊;加緊培養一批綜合性的專業人才。

. the character and function of rural public goods the rural public goods has some particularities , behaving as multi - levels 、 strong externality 、 the comparatively denotative of scope 、 poor efficiency 、 high dependent and decentralization etc . the supply of rural public goods plays an important role in shifting traditional agriculture to modern agriculture and achieving industrializaton of the rural 一、農村公共產品的特征和功能農村公共產品有其自身的特殊性,表現在多層次性、較強的外溢性、范圍的相對外延性、低效性、高依賴性及分散性等幾方面。農村公共產品的供給對于促進傳統農業轉向現代農業,以及農村工業化都具有重要的作用。

The basic color terms in chinese can be collocated with nouns or verbs and modified by phrases with their denotative meanings retained or lost 摘要現代漢語言語實踐中,基本顏色詞能與所有名詞或動詞組合,可以受詞組或短語修飾,其色彩語義或保留或消失。

Part six combs several models of news values theory , which are both denotative and connotative . granted as a conclusion : at first , a summary or a compreh 第六節則于駁雜紛繁的原始研究文獻出梳理出了幾個既直觀又各有理論蘊涵的“新聞價值理論模式” 。

This paper studies the definition of socialist productive labor and its denotative extension on the basis of reaching of marxian theory 文章在研究馬克思生產勞動理論的基礎上,對如何界定社會主義生產勞動及其外延的擴展進行了全新的探索。

Understanding the concept of student personal injury at connotative and denotative levels 學生人身傷害概念的內涵與外延