
denominate vt.為…命名,給…取名,把…叫做,把…稱做。


Analysed by currency , hong kong dollar denominated loans were virtually unchanged while foreign currency loans decreased during the month 按貨幣分析,月份港元貸款大致上沒有變動,外幣貸款則下跌。

Analysed by currency , hong kong dollar denominated loans increased marginally , while foreign currency loans declined notably in september 按貨幣分析,月份港元貸款輕微增加,外幣貸款則告顯著下跌。

Analysed by currency , hong kong dollar denominated loans increased marginally , while foreign currency loans declined moderately in january 按貨幣分析,月份港元貸款輕微增加,外幣貸款則略為下跌。

The great majority of the assets and liabilities of the banks operating in the city of london are not denominated in sterling 在倫敦經營的銀行,不都是大部分資產與負債均采用英鎊以外的貨幣嗎?

For this new issue , the hkmc is issuing 2 - year retail bonds denominated in both hong kong dollar and us dollar to provide more investment choices 年期的港元及美元債券,以提供更多的投資選擇。

Readers may recall that emeap launched the us dollar denominated abf , or abf1 around this time last year 讀者或會記得,大約在去年這個時間emeap推出了第一階段,即以美元為單位的亞洲債券基金。

We shall continue to promote wider usage of the us dollar clearing system and the development of associated us dollar denominated products 我們會繼續推廣美元結算系統及發行相關的美元產品。

Euro chats is a real time gross settlement system for euro - denominated transactions within the hong kong time zone 歐元結算所自動轉帳系統是一個在香港時區內處理歐元交易的即時支付結算系統。

Analysed by currency , hong kong dollar denominated loans increased marginally , while foreign currency loans contracted in june 按貨幣分析,月份港元貸款輕微增加,外幣貸款則告下跌。

The increase was largely in exchange fund papers and corporate debt instruments denominated in hong kong dollars 有關升幅主要來自外匯基金票據及債券與私營機構發行的港元債務工具。

Current liabilities denominated in multi - currencies shall be indi ? vidually accounted for in their originating currencies 有多種貨幣的流動負債,核算時應按不同的貨幣分別設帳登記。

Analysed by currency , hong kong dollar denominated loans declined , while foreign currency loans were virtually unchanged 按貨幣分析,月份港元貸款下跌,外幣貸款大致上無變動。

Analysed by currency , hong kong dollar denominated loans increased slightly in november , while foreign currency loans declined 按貨幣分析,月份港元貸款微升,外幣貸款則下跌。

Analysed by currency , hong kong dollar denominated loans declined , while foreign currency loans recorded a small rise 按貨幣分析,月份港元貸款減少,外幣貸款則錄得輕微增長。

Dollar - denominated pulp costs are up because brazil ' s currency , the real , is down at record lows 由于巴西貨幣雷亞爾對美元的匯率創歷史新低,以美元購入紙漿的成本就相應提高了。

When they choose to invest money in financial assets denominated in foreign currencies , they incur exchange risk as well 若銀行選擇投資于外幣金融資產,便要承擔外匯風險。

Analysed by currency , both hong kong dollar denominated loans and foreign currency loans declined modestly in october 按貨幣分析,月份港元貸款及外幣貸款均錄得溫和跌幅。

Events do occur in our time zone that move financial markets denominated in the us dollar and the euro 事實上,亞洲時區內發生的重要事情,也可影響美元及歐元的金融市場。

A total of 256 issues of hong kong dollar and foreign currency denominated debt securities was listed on the sehk 在聯交所上市的港元和外幣債券的發行種類,合計有256種。