
demoralize vt.1.敗壞風紀[道德],傷風敗俗。2.挫折銳氣;【軍...


Unfortunately , charlies s and zong xin s sacrifice during qi s counter attach severely demoralized the rest of the taskforce members . they were forced to face the challenge of completing the mission or dissolving the eliminator 2000 . . 但在行動中,隊員們亦遭黑邦的反擊,導致查理德和宗信先后遇害,造成其他隊員喪失斗志面臨瓦解

Many iraqis , especially saddam supporters , believed the story of the brothers “ killing was concocted by the u . s . military to demoralize opponents of their occupation of the country 很多伊拉克人,尤其是薩達姆政權的支持者認為烏代和庫賽兄弟的死亡消息是美軍捏造的,美軍此行目的是為了挫敗那些占領伊拉克的對抗者的士氣。

Many iraqis , especially saddam supporters , believed the story of the brothers ' killing was concocted by the u . s . military to demoralize opponents of their occupation of the country 很多伊拉克人,尤其是薩達姆政權的支持者認為烏代和庫賽兄弟的死亡消息是美軍捏造的,美軍此行目的是為了挫敗那些占領伊拉克的對抗者的士氣。

Booming voice - in addition to increasing duration , this talent will now increase the area of effect of battle shout and demoralizing shout by 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 % 強化斬腳-天賦被重新設計,天賦點數的投入不再增加斬腳的減速效果.此天賦改為一個3級天賦,作用為有5 / 10 / 15 %的幾率定住目標5秒鐘

All of this indicates that so far there has been no breakthrough for the coalition ; iraqi troops are not demoralized and the iraqi command is still in control of its forces 所有這些表明,到目前為止聯軍并沒有取得突破;伊拉克部隊沒有喪失斗志,伊拉克指揮部仍然控制著它的軍隊。

Growth is useful because all those squids eat a lot , but not vital since mindless units are not demoralized if they fight on an empty stomach 由于那些烏賊都吃得很多,所以成長是很有用的領域能力,但這并非必須的,因為那些無腦的單位即便在饑餓的狀態下戰斗也不會士氣崩潰。

The profound and legal crisis of modern moral education in our schools hide in the phenomena of demoralizing education which appeared in advanced western countries 當代西方發達國家出現的“去道德化的教育”現象,暗藏的是現代學校道德教育深刻的合法性危機。

Sunder armor is the same amount of hate per application , regardless of how many sunders are already on . the same is true for demoralizing shout and thunderclap 每次破甲產生的仇恨完全一致,無論已經打上了幾次。挫銳怒叫和雷霆一擊也是如此。

Jaguar roar : a jaguar knight can demoralize enemies with a fierce roar , as per the jaguar roar feat 美洲虎之吼:美洲虎騎士能夠使用氣勢兇猛的吼叫來打垮對手的士氣,如同美洲虎之吼專長。

Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise , terror , sabotage , assassination . this is the war of the future 用驚嚇,恐怖,破壞,暗殺等手段削弱敵人,這才是未來的戰爭。

Say for example , when you call me names and criticize my work in meetings i feel demoralized 比如說: “當你在會議上責罵我,批評我的工作時,我感到很沮喪。

Improved demoralizing roar ? removed and replaced in position by primal instinct 強化挫志咆哮被刪除,并被本能反應所取代。

Piercing howl - no longer has a prerequisite ( improved demoralizing shout ) 刺骨吼叫-此天賦將不再需要任何前驅天賦即可學習

The eclipse easily achieved its objective of demoralizing enemy troops 日蝕級輕易的做到了在未作戰時就先挫敗敵軍的士氣。

Improved demoralizing roar ? removed and replaced in position by primal instinct 強化挫志咆哮-刪除并被原始本能?取代。

Lnstead of demoralizing the french , it whips them into a frenzy , 結果法國人不但沒有喪失斗志,卻反而變得無比瘋狂

What they found was a demoralized army in no hurry to fight 他們很快送回了敵人新敗,尚無力迅速發動攻勢的報告。

Demoralizing roar ? tooltip updated to display area of effect ( in yards ) 挫志怒吼?技能提示可以顯示有效區域。

Defeat demoralized the army 失敗使軍隊士氣低落。