
demission n.1.放棄(職務,權力);辭職。2.免職,撤職。


Since the discovery of cnt ’ s and find that cnts have small diameter and high length diameter ratio and can be look as one - demission material , it can be used as emission emitter of fed . especially , the aligned cnts array can be seen innumerable single cathodes which are lined regularly and form array . so growing aligned cnts array in selective area is the key technology to product cnts fed , which is also the necessary condition of cnts micro - electronics device 自碳納米管發現以來,由于碳納米管的直徑很小、長徑比大,故可視為準一維納米材料,可作為場發射平板顯示的尖端發射體,特別是定向碳納米管陣列可看成是無數根單尖陰極規則的排列起來形成陣列式,是理想的場發射平板顯示器的尖端發射體。

Since 1980s with the rapid development of economic globalization , the international competition became hot day by day . transnational corporations , especially the tycoons , changed the traditional strategies of taking the mother land as the technology and development center . according to the different comparative advantages in talents of host countries , the power of technology and the equipments of research , the corporations arranged organically the research places in a global demission to start the research and development of new technology and products , so as to make the research and exploitation develop in an international and global direction 20世紀80年代以來,隨著經濟全球化的趨勢迅猛發展,國際競爭日趨激烈,跨國公司尤其是大型跨國公司一改以往以母國為技術研究與開發中心的傳統布局,根據不同東道國人才、科技實力以及科研基礎設施上的比較優勢,在全球范圍內有組織地安排科研機構,以從事新技術、新產品的研究與開發工作,從而促使跨國公司的研究與開發活動日益朝著國際化、全球化的方向發展。

Director should discharge this duty unless the corporation permitted the competing , even in a certain time after his demission . the corporation can regain the opportunities or the interest ; ( 4 ) the basic test established by modern cases as to when an opportunity is a corporate opportunity combine a “ line of business “ test , and if an opportunity is < wp = 7 > within a corporation ' s “ line of business “ , it may be regained by the corporation . but the directors may also take advantage of a corporate opportunity if the corporation is incapable of taking advantage of the opportunity ; of course , the utilizing of corporate opportunity must be discovered and permitted by the corporation 董事忠實義務的內容包括: ( 1 )誠實行為; ( 2 )禁止沖突交易,但完全禁止董事或其利害關系人與公司的交易是因噎廢食的,部分沖突交易可能對公司并沒有壞處甚至反而有好處,但這樣的交易應當履行法定的披露義務,并得到有權機關的批準; ( 3 )競業回避,董事違反這一義務的,公司享有歸入權,但經公司有權機關批準同意的,董事可以同業兼職,在離職后的一定時間和范圍內董事還負有本義務; ( 4 )禁止篡奪公司機會,對公司機會可以采取“經營范圍檢驗法”等方式進行認定,董事篡奪公司機會的,公司享有歸入權,但董事在完成披露并得到公司批準的條件下可以利用公司不能利用的商業機會。

The main content includes clearing up the right and responsibility of the main officials , explaining the relationship among the main officials and executive council and the civil service system , introducing the benefit and demission and absent from duty stuff in detail . this paper appraises the principal officials accountability system of hongkong impersonally , points the advantages and the defects of this system , so that it gives the conclusion that the system of the principal officials accountability is one of the important way to get accountable government 本文通過對香港問責制產生背景、過程和內容的介紹和分析,對問責制作出了客觀的評價,指出其優點和有待完善之處,并闡述了問責制對香港政治、社會和經濟各方面的影響,從而說明問責制是香港通向責任政府的必然要求和途徑之一。

Gis ( geographic information systems ) is a computer system with collecting , checking , intergreting and analysing information which is related with interface of earth . digital terrain model display two demission geographic position and relational properts information with digital pattern . dtm is an important component of gis , and is basic of “ digital earth “ 數字地面模型( digitalterrainmodel , dtm )是地表二維地理空間位置和其相關的地表屬性信息的數字化表現,是地理信息系統( geographicinformationsystem , gis )的重要組成部分,是數字地球的基礎。

Thirdly i analyze the numbers of their demission and the last time of each job statically , explaining the phenomenon that the more times the employee have changed the jobs , the shorter their jobs last . i also analyze the employee turnover from the view of education status 再次,對流動頻次不同的雇員的流動狀況統計,分析雇員流動次數越多,工作持續時間越短的普遍規律,還對不同學歷的企業雇員流動進行分析。

Analyze and sift candidates ' information including candidates ' present station , negociation ability , the possibility and motivation of demission , salary standard . then select proper candidates accorded with the requirement and arrange interview 對所有接觸到的候選人信息進行分析、過濾,包括候選人的崗位現狀、溝通能力、離職可能性與動機、薪酬水準等,篩選出基本符合要求的候選人,并安排面試。

Supply the hired candidates related inquiry and help regarding demission , keep in touch with customers and help them solve any possible problem within trial period so as to ensure the probation success and mutual benefits 向被錄用的候選人提供辭職方面的人事咨詢與幫助,與客戶保持不間斷聯系,協助雙方解決試用期期間可能遇到的困難與障礙,確保候選人試用成功,以達到雙贏。

We ' ll interview with candidates to evaluate their character , professional knowledge and skills , management capability , working achievement , advantages and disadvantages , demission reason etc 對候選人進行面試,主要評測候選人的性格、專業知識與技巧、管理能力、工作成就、長處與不足、離職原因等。

Analysis and management strategy of employees ' demission based on the psychological contract 基于心理契約的員工離職分析及管理策略