
demise n.1.【法律】(不動產的)轉讓;遺贈。2.讓位。3.崩...


In the five years following the demise of the first bank , many of the fears of its supporters were realized 在美利堅第一銀行終結后的五年中,該銀行支持者的諸多擔憂成了現實。

As each piece is recovered and examined , the angels are clearly perceived at cause of her demise 當每一片碎片被恢復和檢查時,天使們就很清晰被察覺到是導致她這次毀滅的致因。

The demise of this initiative left a vacuum in the area of transparency on market concentration 十國組織決定不推行這項措施,令有關市場集中情況的資料方面出現真空狀況。

Further , it will hasten the demise of china ' s remaining state - owned industries and the creation of a plutocracy 再者,該法將催促中國剩余的國有資產縮水,催生財閥階層。

After the demise of the enlightened master , will half - initiated children still be under her care and guidance 當明師往生以后,印半心的小孩是否仍能受到照顧與教導?

Theory of demise seen from bamboo slips of guodian and shanghai museum and the system of demise in ancient chinese history 上博簡中的禪讓學說與中國古史上的禪讓制

With the demise of communism in europe , we ' re looking to open new markets in poland and yugoslavia 由于歐洲共產政權崩潰,我們計劃將在波蘭及南斯拉夫開發新市場。

However , the high growth tourism scenario may lead to destruction and demise of the area s natural beauty 不過,高增長的旅游方案可能破壞這個地區的自然美景。

The union built fortifications , gathered up troops , and planned hood ' s demise 聯邦軍隊已經在那里建好防御工事,并且集結軍隊,準備一舉擊潰虎德的軍隊。

The nato alliance has been struggling to define its role since the demise of the warsaw pact 自華沙條約湮滅,北約同盟就一直在努力定位自己的角色。

Moyes admitted he has been shocked by the demise of his team this season 作為埃弗頓隊的主教練,莫耶斯坦言對球隊本賽季的急劇滑坡感到震驚。

That ' s how the family that haughtily enjoyed utmost privilege in romania saw its demise 原本在羅國不可一世享盡特權的家族,竟是如此下場。

The dogs ' demise may not have been crueller than taking them to the local vet 和被交到當地獸醫手里相比,這些狗的死亡或許還能算是善終。

The film follows a $ 20 bill from its atm birth to its eventual demise 本片講述了一張面值20的美元,從自動付銀機誕生到它最后歸屬的故事。

News on her demise & funeral , media article , columnists , memorial magazines & etc 一切關于逝世新聞,文章,評論,紀念雜志,活動等等

Your fickle attitude will be your demise when it comes to love this week 雙子座:本周提到愛情的時候,你輕浮的態度是你的死穴。

The emperor regrets your demise ; you should never have entered the contest 皇帝對你的滅亡表示道歉,你根本就不該進入這個游戲。

We remark that time “ flies ” as we hurtle toward our inevitable demise 我們面對無可?避的死亡,嘆光陰似箭,人生如白駒過隙。

Perhaps with count dooku ' s demise , we can negotiate our release 也許我們可以用杜庫的死來和他們商議一下,沒準他們能放我們走