
deman vt.,vi.1.裁減(…的)人員。2.(使)變得無男子...


Deferrizers and demaganizers are series of products designed by our company for underground water with comparatively high iron and managanese content according to aerating oxidation priciple . in these prducts , packed natural manganese sand in filter is applied as filtering materials , and oxygen in air is applied as oxidants , to make ferrous iron in water oxidized into ferric iron , in a same time , oxidation reaction makes its produced its produced substances left in filtering materials for purposes of deferrization and deman - ganization 除鐵錳裝置是我公司針對鐵、錳較高的地下水,按曝氣氧化法的原理而設計的系列產品,它是利用過濾器內裝填城然錳砂為濾料,利用空氣中的氧化劑,使水中的二價鐵,同時發生氧化反應使其物進截留在濾料中,從而達到除,除錳的目的。