
delicious adj.1.美味的,好吃的,可口的。2.美妙的,爽快的;...


She felt still his arm encircling her, and saw him smiling so grand as he filled up that delicious glass of champagne . 她還能感到他那圍在她身上的手臂,他給她斟芬芳可口的香檳時那優美高貴的微笑。

They were of good flesh and flavour, and when broiled upon the coals, lacked only a little salt to be delicious . 味很鮮美,拿來放在木炭上焙炙,就是缺少一點鹽,否則真可以和山珍海味媲美了。

Soemes walked with his eyes on the ground, his lips opening and closing as though in anticipation of a delicious morsel . 索米斯眼睛望著地上走著,嘴唇時張時合,好象預期有一塊美肴到嘴似的。

The many delicious fruits we grow, eat, and drink fermented today originated in many countries around the world . 目前作為栽培、食用和加工果汁果酒的各種鮮美果品,原產在許多國家。

They fried the fish with the bacon and were astonished; for no fish had ever seemed so delicious before . 他們把魚和咸肉在一起煎來吃,結果喜出望外,因為從來沒有什么魚有這么鮮美。

The storm, having stormed itself out, abated; and the place was bathed in delicious smells of breathing leaves . 一陣狂風暴雨之后,雨勢減弱了。大地沐浴在綠葉吐納的芬芳氣息之中。

I descended a little on the side of that delicious vale, surveying it with a secret kind of pleasure . 我沿著這個風景秀麗的山坡往下走了一段路,懷著一種內心的喜悅眺望著它。

Terminal growth will stop on delicious soon after application whereas growth will continue to august on young trees . 元帥用后頂端生長很快停止,但其幼樹可繼續生長到8月。

The smell which pervades the streets must be exceedingly delicious to those who are extremely fond of smoking . 彌漫在街上的氣味,對于特別喜歡吸煙的人一定是非常中意的。

Were you to argue, object, and annoy me for a year, i could not forego the delicious pleasure . 哪怕你辯論、反對、煩擾我一年,我也不會放棄這種美妙的樂趣。

Selma ascher stood at the globe, outlining a delicious thigh under the slim blue skirt . 塞爾瑪阿謝爾站在地球儀旁,貼身的藍裙子襯托出一條大腿的美妙輪廓。

Yes , every dish was delicious , especially the fried shrimps with cashews and chestnut chicken stew . 是的,每一道菜都很香,特別是腰果炒蝦仁和栗子燉雞。

My friend frate starts drinking the water eagerly; he evidently finds it delicious . 我的朋友弗雷特大口大口地喝水;顯然發覺這水香甜可口。

The tramp was tormented by seeing such delicious food in the shop-window . 那個流浪漢因為看到櫥窗里那美味可口的食物卻又吃不上而十分苦惱。

No food that i could dream of seemed half so utterly delicious as vanilla wafers . 我所夢想的任何食物都不如香草薄餅那么可口有味。

Two large orange trees, now fragrant with blossoms, threw a delicious shade . 兩棵芳香撲鼻的大桔子樹,綠葉成蔭,給人以爽涼之感。

One day her class of twenty-five were having a delicious history lesson . 她的班上有二十五位同學,一天正在上一堂有趣的歷史課。

Solitude is delicious balm to my heart in this heavenly spot . 在這樣神圣的地方,對我的心來說,幽靜是珍貴的安慰。

Only the third time was she aware of the delicious double meaning . 只是在第三次,她才意識到了它微妙的雙重含義