
delicacy n.1.優美;精巧,精致。2.柔弱,脆弱。3.敏感;審慎...


She spoke with delicacy of our recent loss 她機敏婉轉地談到我們最近的損失

A tale of two cities chapter xiii the fellow of delicacy 第十三章不體貼的人

The table delicacies journey is ending soon 今天, “美食之旅”一日游暫且就到這里。

Turtle meat is canned and sold as a delicacy 甲魚肉被制成罐頭作為美食出售。

I ' m g ] oing ] to taste kapaluk , the ultimate delicacy 我正要品嘗此地的終極美食榴蓮

The hostess loaded the table with delicacies 女主人把餐桌上擺滿了美味佳肴。

He provided local delicacies for his guests ' meal 他用當地的美味佳肴來招待客人。

The chinese palace lanterns are famous for their delicacy 中國的宮燈以精巧聞名。

I ' m g oing to taste kapaluk , the ultimate delicacy 我正要品嘗此地的終極美食榴蓮

His non-appearance afforded shelton another proof of the delicacy that went hand in hand with the young vagrant's cynicism . 他不來,對謝爾頓又一次證明了他是通達人情的,這種通達人情是跟那位年輕流浪漢的譏誚癖性并行不悖的。

Knowing that jolyonm was irene's trustee, all felt the delicacy of this question, and looked at soames with interest . 大家知道喬里恩是伊琳的委托人,都覺得這個問題有點微妙,全帶著興趣望著索米斯。

The monkey was busy catching fleas on himself and biting each one carefully between his teeth as if it were a delicacy . 猴子正忙著捉身上的虱子,每捉到一個便送到嘴里咬死,象在品嘗精美的食品。

Hallward painted away with that marvellous bold touch of his, that had the true refinement and perfect delicacy in art . 哈爾伍德以他那種驚人而大膽的筆觸作畫,這種藝術手法極端洗煉而又精巧。

He seemed a sensible, steady peasant, but not having more delicacy or prudence than is common to those in his situation . 他好象是個有頭腦,意志堅定的農民,但也并不比別的農民更靈巧和謹慎。

The experience of the operator and the delicacy of control available enables a balance of heat increment and loss to be achieved . 有經驗的工人所采取的精確控制能使熱增量和損失達到平衡。

Having inherited from his mother an exceeding delicacy of constitution, he was sent to the care of his uncle in vermont . 由于母親的遺傳,他自幼體弱,他被送到佛蒙特州由他伯父照顧。

Common sense, common care, common prudence, were all sunk in mrs. dashwood's romantic delicacy . 一般人常有的理智、關心和謹慎統統滲入到達什伍德太太的浪漫、柔弱的思想中去了。

From early dawn to the last “holy father“ before retiring, she nibbled at various delicacies . 從一大清早到臨睡前念最后一聲“圣父”以前,她的嘴里不停地嚼著美味佳肴。

Grinning college boys, ignorant and conceited, what do they know of delicacy ? 大學堂時那些嘻嘻哈哈的小伙子,愚味無知,自高自大,他們懂得什么叫風雅!