
delegate n.1.委員,代表,特派員。2.〔美國〕(Virgini...


Or the current multicast combinable delegate if 的調用列表連接在一起;或者如果

The delegates have to be seated according to protocol 代表們須按禮儀要求就座

A delegate is a reference type that refers to a 委托是一種引用類型,它引用類型的

Generic delegates for manipulating arrays and lists 用于操作數組和列表的泛型委托

Statement always returns a reference to the delegate 語句總是返回委托的引用。

By adding an event handler delegate to handle the 通過添加事件處理程序委托來處理

An event delegate in the . net framework is named . net framework中的事件委托命名為

How to delegate advanced culture at university 高校踐行代表先進文化的要求之我見

The source calls the delegate when the event occurs 事件發生時,源將調用委托。

Operator , which performs delegate concatenation 運算符,該運算符執行委托串聯。

Had bill to hand in taxes with respect to the delegate 有發票就代表交稅金了嗎

If the delegate instances are statically of the type 如果委托實例靜態地屬于類型

Only delegates of the same type can be composed 只有相同類型的委托才可以組合。

Used when specifying an evaluator delegate filter 在指定鑒別委托篩選器時使用。

Is captured at the time the delegate is created 的引用是在創建該委托時捕獲的。

So why don ' t you delegate this kind of stuff to me 你為什么不把這些工作交待給我

These interpretation standards have been endorsed by the national safety council's committee on alcohol and drugs and the house of delegates of the american medical association . 上述說明規范已為美國國家乙醇和藥物安全委員會和美國醫學會代表機構批準。

The republican convention was a gloomy conclave, and it seemed that the delegates knew they were going through necessary motions . 共和黨人的代表大會是一次陰沉的秘密會議。代表們似乎認識到,他們不過是在做出一些必要的姿態。

His ability to delegate authority not only expedited work but impelled every subordinate to perform beyond his own suspected capacity . 他的授權負責,不僅促進了工作效率,而且迫使每一部屬不得不竭盡智慮,以求速成任務。