
delectable adj.1.使人愉快的。2.美味的。n.-ness ,-...


The delectable chocolates , cookies , pastries and cakes from macy s are all made with the finest , freshest imported ingredients . presented in tempting packages , they make great gifts for your loved ones or business partners . enjoy the wide selection of chocolates and homemade specialties wherever you see the sign “ macy s “ 美思糖果以優質的進口材料配制出多種令人賞心悅目回味無窮的甜品美食,如朱古力曲奇西餅及蛋糕等,再配以精美的包裝,確是送贈給親朋至愛,生意伙伴的最佳選擇。

While he was in the act of getting his bearings , mr bloom , who noticed when he stood up that he had two flasks of presumably ship s rum sticking one out of each pocket for the private consumption of his burning interior , saw him produce a bottle and uncork it , or unscrew , and , applying its nozzle to his lips , take a good old delectable swig out of it with a gurgling noise 當他剛站起來時,布盧姆先生曾注意到,他兩邊兜里各露出一瓶看來是水手們喝的那種朗姆酒,為的是暗地里灌進他那灼熱的胃。布盧姆先生瞧見他這會兒正四下里打量,并從兜里掏出一只瓶子,拔開或是擰開塞子,將瓶口對準嘴唇,咕嘟咕嘟地痛飲了一通,津津有味。

The myriad influences that have swept through hong kong have shaped the food in an indescribable fashion , giving it a unique flavour all its own . savour the best the world has to offer , from sumptuous international cuisine to delectable local delicacies . the choices here are endless : cantonese , shanghainese , pekingese , szechuanese and hunanese ; these are just a few of the various types of chinese cuisines waiting to delight 香港的餐飲選擇無窮無盡,單單是中國各省市的地方菜式已多不勝數,其中如廣東菜上海菜北京菜四川菜及湖南菜等,也足以教嘴饞者滿心歡喜至于國際佳肴方面,由日本菜至法國菜,可謂五花八門也別忘記前往夜市,一嘗香港道地風味美食。

The enthusiastic response kept many sister initiates busy in the kitchen as guests , several times the number that usually frequented the restaurant on a normal business day , invited friends to a vegetarian meal as an act of charity . the kitchen served up delectable dishes and the guests savored each dish with loving hearts 當天反應熱烈,很多師姊來義務幫忙弄菜,客人亦特別邀請朋友一起來吃素做善事,那天生意額比平時多了幾倍,廚房提供美味的素菜,客人皆帶著愛心來吃。

Our country has been advanced in the spaceflight field , but we get up latter in research of the electromagnetic scatter characteristic of space targets . the technologists have gained many delectable achievements in many aspects , such as theory research ; imitate examination , static test and dynamic measurement technology 我國在航天領域已跨入世界先進行列,但在空間目標特性研究方面起步較晚,科技工作者利用有限的條件在理論研究、仿真試驗、靜態測試和動態測量技術等方面取得了一些可喜的成果。

In fact , a thirteen - year - old sister single - handedly cooked up five delectable dishes . everyone who savored the food was impressed , and realized that vegetarian cuisine is not only delicious but also very easy to prepare , so easy that even a youngster such as this sister could do it well 一位已印全心的小師姊,雖年僅13歲,卻獨自烹調了五道菜肴,每一道都非常香美,讓吃過的人贊不絕口,了解到素食不但美味可口,又很容易料理,連小師姊這樣年紀的小孩都可以勝任。

Vegetarianism has become increasingly popular after a series of outbreaks of meat - related diseases . the j j vegetarian buffet prepares delectable vegetarian dishes for joyful guests on its opening day . the biggest obstacle for koreans in pursuing a vegetarian diet has been a lack of vegetarian restaurants 目前隨著素食在韓國日益受到重視和歡迎, sm素食屋已逐漸在韓國享有盛名,特別是在與肉品有關的疾病接二連三地爆發之后,素食更是受到民眾極熱烈的響應。

The spiritual maturity of the initiates is reflected in the course after course of delectable nutritional delicacies set before the guests , winning generous words of praise , satisfying sensual perceptions in palate and appetite , and sending souls soaring high 隨著工作,同修們靈性上的不斷成長,那些色香味俱全使人贊不絕口的營養美食,就一道道地端上客人的餐桌,口腹滿足之馀,也令人靈魂飛揚。

If fruitcakes are not for you there are some delicious alternatives including a stunning venetian festival cake - a moist sponge decorated with colourful glac ? fruits - and the delectable imperial chocolate torte in an attractive gift box 如果水果蛋糕不合你的口味,這里還有許多美味的選擇,極好的威尼斯節日蛋糕就是其中的一種,它是一種多汁的松軟蛋糕,用多種蜜餞點綴。

Success means more tables , bigger restaurants , and a menu full of uniquely delectable items . tasty treats may keep your customers happy , but it s going to take quick clicks and careful timing to get emily s ambitions off the ground 游戲中包括2種模式,玩家可以在不同城市中過關,開取更多的新餐廳,來完成故事模式也可以直接選擇一個餐廳,一日接一日的進行分數挑戰。

She jokingly mentioned that she had been enticed to deliver a public lecture in fresno because the initiates tried many charming ways to tempt her , including a feast of delectable delicacies that were to follow the lecture 她開玩笑地說,自己是被同修許多迷人的招術引誘來此公開講經,同修還告訴她,講經結束后將有一場提供美味佳肴的盛宴呢!

Aside from the extensive wine list that has some of the best drinks of the world , a vast array of premium cocktails , ports as well as a selection of delectable light snacks are also available to complete the experience 優悅吧收藏了一系列豐富的烈酒、餐酒、及提供各式各樣雞尾酒及酒精飲品,配以各款精致美食,顧客可以各適其適。

Visitors were full of praise for the delectable vegetarian food , and showed a keen interest in learning the convenient method . they made several inquiries , their faces shining with the joy of having found a treasure 來賓對精致美味的素食贊賞不已,更對方便法的學習充滿興趣,他們向同修細細地詢問,臉上洋溢著如獲至寶般的喜悅。

The supreme master international association vegetarian house restaurant hosted a booth at the fair and served two delectable dishes , indian dharma and sechzuan tofu , which have been great hits at numerous past events 清海無上師世界會素食屋亦在會場設置了一個攤位,提供兩道平常頗受歡迎的美味菜肴-印度達摩以及四川豆腐。

Nanshas top sea - view restaurant enjoys a strategic location . you can savor our delectable dishes and take in the beautiful view of horizon and feel the sea breeze . enjoy fusion dining at its best 位置得天獨厚,南沙首屈一指的全海景餐廳,您可以邊品嘗精美名菜,一邊欣賞藍天碧海,輕吻海風,盡情享受東西方文化的至尊品味。

Some of the most delectable chinese horsd oeuvres are deep - fried . certain main dishes also call for meats to be deep - fried for a crunchy coating , then stir - fried to combine them with vegetables and flavorings 大部分中餐美味冷拼是油炸食品。某些文菜還需要將肉過油成酥皮(裹糊油炸)然后配上蔬菜和調料一起炒。

Apart from the delectable regioinal and intermational cuisines such as sichuan adn cantonese classics , japanese goument delights , korean barbecue and continental specialities , the hotel also offers renowned domestic and imported wines 錦江賓館集中外名酒佳肴為一體,提供正宗口味川粵西餐及韓國燒烤日本料理。

One delightful breakfast , lunch or afternoon snack you will discover in hong kong is dim sum , a meal consisting of delectable small - portioned dishes , steamed or fried in bamboo baskets 點心到香港旅游,沒有上茶樓品嘗點心,旅程就說不上完美!點心都是即點即蒸,款式繁多,通常早午餐及下午茶時間均有供應。

Now chef liu brings his unique com - bination of art and cuisine to dalian with a special guangdong goumet selection , featuring those two most delectable of all chinese specialties : shark s fin and abalone 位于酒店三四樓的海逸軒魚翅酒家將粵菜烹飪精粹與大連的馳名海鮮完美結合出令您食欲大動的珍饈美食。