
delaware n.1.特拉華〔美國州名〕。2.〔美國〕特拉華河。3.(...


The enterprise began in 1958 in delaware , usa , which has been the world famous high - tech trans - national company 1958年創立于美國德拉瓦州,已成為一家世界著名的高科技跨國企業。

She was born and raised in delaware . she holds one degree in english and another in elementary education 她在特拉華(州)出生并且長大并且已經在英語和基礎教育上取得了學位證書。

She was born and raised in delaware . she holds one degree in english and another in elementary education 她在特拉華州出生長大。她拿到一個英語學位以及一個初級教育的學位。

Police say they have identified two people of interest in the delaware state university shooting 在美國特拉華州立大學的槍擊事件中,警方稱他們確定了此事件中的兩名受害者。

She was born and raised in delaware . she holds one degree in english and another in elementary education 她出生并且生長在特拉華。她在英語以及其他初等教育方面有一定地位。

She was born and raised in delaware . she holds one degree in english and another in elementary education 她在特拉華州出生和長大,她持有了英語專業的學位和另外的基礎教育

If you are a delaware resident , age 50 or over , you are invited to join delaware senior olympics 如果你是一個特拉華居民,變老50或在上,你被邀請加入特拉華高級奧林匹克!

I had a brother - in - law , robert holmes , master of a sloop that traded between boston and delaware 我有一個姐夫,羅勃霍爾莫斯是一個在波士頓與德拉瓦爾間做生意的帆船主人。

She was born and raised in delaware . she holds one degree in english and another in elementary education 她在戴勒維爾出生、成長。她同時擁有英語和小學教育的學位。

She was born and raised in delaware . she holds one degree in english and another in elementary education 她生長在delaware ,她有一個英語學位和一個小學教育學位。

Police say they have identified two people of interest in the delaware state university shooting 警方稱已有兩名涉及特拉華州州立大學槍擊案的人員身份被確認。

These cases come to us from the states of kansas , south carolina , virginia , and delaware 這些案子從堪薩斯、南卡羅來納、弗吉尼亞和特拉華等州提交到我們這里。

Shingis , sachem of the delawares , … took up the hatchet at various times against the english 特拉華印第安人的酋長欣基斯在各個不同時期向英國人開了戰。

“ you think this delaware can be depended on , deerslayer ? “ demanded the girl thoughtfully “殺鹿人,你認為這個德拉瓦人可靠嗎? “那姑娘有所顧慮地問道。

Police say they have identified two people of interest in the delaware state university shooting 警方表示已經確認了兩人與特拉華大學槍擊案相關。

Every indication thus far is that the incident in delaware is an isolated one 到目前為止,所有跡象均表明達拉維爾州出現的是獨立的個案。

8 usa delaware 美國馬塞諸塞

D e l a w a r e a brief history delaware s history is a long and proud one 在整個美國的50個州中,特拉華州堪稱歷史悠久,文化豐富。

That ' s true , but i didn ' t come all the way from delaware to talk about comics 是這樣,可是我從特拉華一路到這兒可不是為了談漫畫。