
defunct adj.1.死了的;(公司)倒閉了的,已不存在的。2.已...


It was ascertained that the reference was to mr cornelius kelleher , manager of messrs h . j . o neill s popular funeral establishment , a personal friend of the defunct , who had been responsible for the carrying out of the interment arrangements 據悉,這里指的是科尼利厄斯152凱萊赫。他是死者的私人朋友,也是有名氣的h j奧尼爾殯儀館經理,喪事就是他經辦的。

In january , a chinese missile shattered a defunct chinese weather satellite , drawing immediate criticism from the u . s . and other countries , who questioned china ' s commitment to peaceful development in space 在一月,中國使用導彈擊毀了本國一顆已經廢棄的氣象衛星,這立刻遭到了美國及其盟國的批評,美國及其盟國認為這違反了中國關于和平利用太空的傳統政策, 。

Yasuyuki kitano and harumi sakamoto , both in their 40s , invited hundreds of guests , including japanese celebrities , to a wedding reception in 2003 , saying that kitano was a member of a defunct branch of the imperial family 周一,一對日本夫婦的皇族童話在監獄里終結,這對夫妻用精心炮制的皇室后裔婚禮來欺騙賓客,最終落得身陷囹圄的下場。

Such burials are customarily accompanied by all the displays of mourning ; for we mourn ourselves , when we name the lost potential of sensibility and attitude which the defunct form incarnated 這類葬禮習慣性地伴以悲悼之感的流露;這是因為,當我們陳說這曾經體現于已死的形式中而現在業已失去的那種感受力和態度的潛能時,我們是在悲悼自身。

It is strategically located at the centre of tsim sha tsui - the defunct terminus of the kowloon - canton railway . commissioned in october 1980 , it was the first local planetarium for the popularization of astronomy and space science 香港太空館,位于尖沙嘴海旁,于1980年10月開放,是香港以推廣天文及太空科學知識為主的天文博物館。

Seven years ago , one of the attractions at the now - defunct millennium dome in london was what looked like a remarkably detailed video of a beating human heart 七年前,倫敦千禧穹頂大廳(現在已經不存在)里有一處引人注目的地方? ?大廳之內展示了一個大屏幕,里面是一顆跳動的人類的心臟,肌肉全部被剝離,一切詳細的動作也都盡展眼前。

Pseudogenes may analogously be vestiges of old code associated with defunct routines , but they also constitute a fascinating record contained within the overall program of how it has grown and diversified over time 不過,在這些舊程式碼中,卻隱藏了一些有趣的記錄,可以告訴我們基因組在悠遠的演化史中,擴增且變得多樣化的歷程。

The court of appeal dismissed the appeal of wardley limited s former chief executive against his conviction of accepting a 4 . 5 million bribe from the former boss of the now defunct carrian group 獲多利有限公司前行政總裁曾被裁定收受前佳寧主席四百五十萬元賄款罪名成立,其后就裁決提出上訴。上訴法庭駁回其上訴,決定維持原判。

The restore sequence will arrive at a recovery point at which each unrestored filegroup has become read - only , dropped , or defunct during a previous restore in the partial - restore sequence 在第一階段,還原順序將還原和恢復主文件組和其他可選文件組中的文件。為了指示這是段落還原,此還原順序必須使用restore的partial選項。

He also paid for 100 three - room houses for the refinery workers , and has offered aid to restart defunct industrial plants , such as a rusting fertiliser factory near the refinery 查韋斯總統還為煉油廠的工人們買下了100套三房套間,而且還提供了援助來重新啟用那些廢棄的工業工廠,如煉油廠附近的一個荒廢的肥料制造工廠。

In a similar case , mr lerach ' s firm sued enron ' s financial advisers on behalf of shareholders , claiming that they facilitated the book - keeping shenanigans at the now - defunct energy trader 同樣的,里瑞奇的公司代表其股東控告了安然的經濟顧問,并表示他們曾為在潦倒的能源商提供了方便進而引發了簿記騙局。

The companies ( amendment ) ordinance 1999 , which came into operation on november 11 , introduced a new statutory procedure to deregister solvent defunct private companies 《 1999年公司(修訂)條例》已于十一月十一日實施。該條例引入新的法定程序,把不營運但有償債能力的私人公司的注冊撤銷。

It was then queried whether there were any special desires on the part of the defunct and the reply was : we greet you , friends of earth , who are still in the body . mind c . k 這時又問,故人這方面有沒有特別的愿望,回答是: “至今猶活在肉身中的塵世間之凡朋俗友們,吾曹向汝等致意。

A former chief executive of wardley limited was jailed for five years for accepting a 4 . 5 million bribe from george tan soon - gin who then controlled the now defunct carrian group 獲多利有限公司前行政總裁,經陪審團裁定收受陳松青賄款四百五十萬元罪名成立,被判入獄五年。

Banks ' balance sheets are at once weakened by large losses on subprime - related products and swollen with unwanted assets from defunct structured - investment vehicles 次級抵押貸款相關產品使銀行的資產負債表立即惡化,而奄奄一息的結構性投資載體又使這些報表雪上加霜。

Vouch with me , heaven , i therefore beg it not , to please the palate of my appetite , nor to comply with heat ? the young affects in me defunct ? and proper satisfaction 請你們千萬不要抱著那樣的思想,以為她跟我在一起,會使我懈怠了你們所付?給我的重大的使命。

Banks ' balance sheets are at once weakened by large losses on subprime - related products and swollen with unwanted assets from defunct structured - investment vehicles 次貸相關產品和結構性投資工具所購買的無用資產馬上削弱和擴大了銀行資產負債表。

When you create a database snapshot , the create database statement cannot reference log files , offline files , restoring files , and defunct files 創建數據庫快照時, create database語句不能引用日志文件、脫機文件、還原文件和不存在的文件。

The 1972 anti - ballistic missile treaty , defunct since 2002 , prohibited the deployment of space - based weapons to shoot down longrange missiles 1972年的《反彈道導彈條約》 ,從2002年以后失效,該條約禁止部署用于擊落遠程導彈的天基武器。