
deflate vt.1.抽去(空氣等)。2.降低...的重要性,使泄氣...


Via intranet , it is easy to deflate the cost , exchange information , improve work efficiency . more the enterprise use the net for information acquiring , more the importance the net is 數據庫是有效管理數據的方式,越來越多的企業通過內部和外部的數據庫獲得有效的信息支持。

If mr mishkin believes the fed should anticipate the economic consequences of a deflating bubble , why should it not anticipate the consequences of an inflating one 要是米什金先生相信聯儲可以預見收縮型泡沫的經濟后果,為什么聯儲不能預測一下膨脹型泡沫的后果呢?

Wind power in america , for example , inflates and deflates on a two - year cycle , as a particular tax credit is renewed and then lapses again 比如美國的風力發電行業,產值的升降以兩年為一個周期,這是因為一項特殊的稅率信任案在此間被反復提出與擱置而造成的。

The process here is similar - real income is being deflated by rising material aspiration , in this case to yield essentially constant subjective economic well - being 同樣,人們日益增長的物質欲望,在此主要是持續不斷對經濟富裕的主觀要求,削減了實際收入。

The balloon stretches open the walls of the vessel . then the balloon is deflated and removed . in about 25 % or 30 % of patients , the arteries close up again 氣囊會把血管壁撐開,然后醫生會把氣囊放氣并撤出導管;在大約25 30的病人會存在血管再閉塞。

Specifies the desired pool size ; the pool can grow if necessary , but should deflate to the original size when the additional threads aren t required 指定了所需線程池的大小;必要時,此線程池可以增加,但是當不再需要線程時,它應該縮到原來的大小。

Wind power in america , for example , inflates and deflates on a two - year cycle , as a particular tax credit is renewed and then lapses again 例如,在美國,風力發電擴張與衰退兩年一個循環,因為一個特定的課稅扣除重新開始然后又一次下跌

Wind power in america , for example , inflates and deflates on a two - year cycle , as a particular tax credit is renewed and then lapses again 例如,隨著某項稅收補助政策重新生效,繼而期滿失效,美國的風能以兩年為一個周期隨之起起落落。

In a deflationary economy , however , you can pump money in , but if confidence is gone the economy can continue to deflate 在一個不斷通縮的經濟中,你總是可以向經濟中注入貨幣的,但是一旦市場失去信心,經濟通縮局面就會不斷持續下去。

How deflating was it knowing that karl was not going to suit up before the game and what effect did his injuries have on what happened to the lakers 賽前知道馬龍將無法比賽你們有多失望?他的傷病給湖人帶來什么影響?

It has an inflate method filling it with helium , a deflate method expelling its contents , and a rise method letting go of it 它具有充氣方法(在其中充滿氦氣) 、放氣方法(放出其中的氣體)和上升方法(釋放氣球) 。

And if one deflates these data for growth of population , so , income or product per head , they reduce to 1 or 2 percent a year 如果把人口增長的因素考慮進去,人人均收入或人均產值來看,年增長率就降到1 %或2 %

The unforgettable debate quip that can deflate a candidacy is the worst nightmare of any presidential hopeful 那些人們津津樂道的令候選人感到灰心喪氣的諷刺挖苦,對于任何有可能成為總統的人,都是一場噩夢。

Other properties describe its state inflated or deflated , or attributes that are not visible , such as its age 其他屬性( property )描述了它的狀態(充氣或放氣)或不可見屬性( attribute ) ,如它的使用年限。

In the third chapter , the perturbation of invariant subspace , singular subspaces and deflating subspaces are discussed 第三章討論了不變子空間、奇異子空間對和收縮子空間對的擾動。

Unfolding its thick metal shell to right itself , it will roll out over its deflated airbag onto the martian outback 它會張開厚金屬罩后直立,然后開過?了氣的氣囊出去探索火星大地。

Others think the market ' s slowly deflating equity valuations are inexpensive compared with their historical values 其他人認為,市場因緩步通貨緊縮,股價和其歷史高價相比并不貴。

For example , a balloon responds to the event of being punctured by deflating , or to the event of being released by rising 例如,氣球以放氣響應被刺破事件或以上升響應釋放事件。

By divide the decision process into two steps , the decision scope is deflated and the decision complexity is reduced 通過分層決策,使決策的規模減小,簡化了決策的復雜性。